South Korea in the number of infected overtook China, but the authorities managed to quickly reverse the situation. The country’s success in preventing the spread of COVID-19 is largely due to total surveillance, which the authorities have introduced instead of quarantine. Researchers from the University of California San Diego, University of Pennsylvania and Chicago told which method ensured the preservation of citizens on social distance.

According to experts, from the very beginning of the outbreak, the residents received text messages every time their neighborhood has discovered a new case of the disease. Also, they receive a notification about the movements of people infected with coronavirus, as well as information about their age and gender. In the end, people avoided visiting places where the infected were more and kept social distance. Previously, the country already had a method of combating coronavirus “middle East respiratory syndrome” in 2015, helping to respond quickly to fighting a new type of infection.

the Map with addresses is infected with a coronavirus created in Russia. They are not set to neither move nor gender of the infected. However, such innovations are criticized. Residents fear persecution and not always under this for no reason. In the Saratov region on the persecution complained of a pregnant woman which suggested that she may be infected with a coronavirus.