Death from the coronavirus can be prevented with blood-thinning drugs, according to scientists from Britain. About this newspaper The Telegraph.

Specialists from the Royal Brompton hospital reported that found a link between blood coagulation and COVID-19.

Doctors examined the lungs of critically ill patients and found they have a lack of blood flow, indicating blood clots in the small blood vessels. However, many deaths from coronavirus accompanied by oxygen deficiency in the body.

Previously, experts from University College London reported the blood clots in some people died from the coronavirus. Blood clots in different parts of the body leads to even stroke, the researchers noted.

The national health service of England intends in the near future to recommend the use of the anticoagulants (blood-thinning drugs. — Approx. ed.) for patients in critical condition. The doctors hope to save many lives that way.

Professor Peter Openshaw of the Scientific Council under the government considers that the discoveries of scientists may be a breakthrough in understanding the signs of oxygen deficiency.

Pandemic coronavirus has spread to almost every country in the world. According to who, only infected about four and a half million people, of which more than 306 thousand died.

The UK is among the leaders in the number of infections and deaths from the coronavirus. The country recorded more than 243 thousand infected, of whom almost 35 thousand died.

Recent data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.