Freelancing is, in fact, self-employment, when a person works on himself. Usually this path is chosen, the designers, the authors of different kinds of texts, marketers, specialists in network promotion, programmers and Tutors. However, in freelancing you can go and the less creative professions – electricians, plumbers, hairdressers, tailors and other experts with “Golden hands”. Many workers, tired of service in the collective, choose for themselves a form of employment.

“About freelancing dream of many, because seemingly so many advantages: saving time on the road (so say 74% of respondents), a convenient work schedule (74%), work without reference to a specific city or country (67%), – said the head of the research Service Headhunter Mariya Ignatova. Most significant cons that not everyone will be able to take: there are no guarantees in the process (63%), independent search of clients (63%), limited career and professional growth (35%)”.

What is remarkable: more than half of the inhabitants of the offices (56%), becoming freelancers, had had a similar experience.

However, the change of the type of employment for most turned into a reduction of income. To increase their earnings are just 28% of the newly-minted freelancers. And successful men have become more likely than women (31% and 24%, respectively). Most favorable for freelancing region was the suburbs – 46% of cases money in your pocket has more. In the whole country 44% abandon stable work to separate earnings income fell by more than half.

“the Main difference between freelancing from office – chart – adds Mariya Ignatova. – Hours of operation each is for himself, but there are those who continue to observe working hours from 9:00 to 18:00. It happens sometimes that we have to work 24/7 without weekends and holidays. In this mode of operation is not the last place takes planning regulations”.