Energy is necessary to save the world

And when it is impossible to earn, nothing to save. At all levels: regions, industries, enterprises and citizens. Very responsible attitude to the consumption of resources, first of all, the most expensive energy.

the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in 2008 has set the task to reduce GDP energy intensity by 2020 to 40 percent. However, according to the Ministry responsible for energy efficiency, the energy intensity of GDP decreased by only 9 percent, and the last four years, it is not reduced at all. According to Deputy MAYOR Michael Rasstrigin, if we are to reduce the energy consumption in such a way, the decline of 40 percent will receive only in the year 2043.

“the Gap between target and actual level of energy efficiency of Russia may be partly explained by different macroeconomic conditions, which were accepted and executed by the decision – said the expert of the Department on fuel and energy complex and housing and communal services of the Analytical center under the Government of the Russian Federation Oleg Kolobov. The decision was taken at a high rate of GDP growth, against the background of rising prices for fuel and energy resources (FER) and budget revenues from their exports. The execution of the decision had on the world financial and economic crisis of 2008-2009, the period of falling prices for fuel and energy resources in 2008 and 2014, as well as the imposition of economic sanctions by Europe and the United States. In addition, the goal established was initially very ambitious and actually meant the achievement of the energy efficiency level of developed countries”.

“the Goal set by the President, not achieved with the existing approach will not be achieved”, – stated the Governor of the Kemerovo region, head of working group of RF state Council in “Energy” Sergei Tsivilev. He stressed that the reduction of energy intensity of GDP for all countries is of paramount importance. Russia today in this matter is greatly lagging behind. The high energy intensity of GDP say anything about the backward and inefficient economic structure with a predominance of primary industries. Thus, 83 per cent of the total consumption of fuel and energy resources account for four of the most energy-intensive sector of the economy: electricity and heat generation (28 per cent), manufacturing industry (22), population (17), transportation (16 percent).

the financing of the program “energy Saving and increase of energy efficiency” starting in 2008 with the amount of 5 billion rubles per year, in 2015 decreased by almost an order of magnitude – up to 60 million rubles. These funds are sufficient only to measure regulatory, administrative or organizational, but not for the purchase of energy efficient equipment and upgrade the aged boiler and power plants, converting them from coal and fuel oil, p��irony gas.

the working group Gossoveta in “Energy” has decided to recommend the government to revise approaches to the implementation of the state policy in the sphere of energy saving, to restore the co-financing of regional programs of energy saving, and the program “energy Saving and increasing energy efficiency” to raise to the level of a national project or a Federal project under one of the existing projects by identifying the necessary funding.

“energy Efficiency should be considered not only in terms of the impact on the economy – said the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Association “Council of power producers” (EIT) Alexander Panin. But take into account indirect factors, such as the improvement of ecological situation, increase life expectancy, reduce morbidity, increase the real purchasing power of the population. And then it becomes clear that she is worthy of the level of the National project. World experience suggests that the bulk of the population’s engagement in this process requires the granting of incentives grants, subsidies and preferential loans for renovation of buildings, purchase of electric vehicles, etc.”.

experts of the EIT I think it is important and enlightening work that should be carried out, explaining the necessity of careful attitude to energy. Because the most difficult challenge in saving energy is to start with yourself. But, as practice shows, reasonable self-restraint, the homes insulation can save up to half of the funds for payment of utility services. What solutions will help us to make your home energy-efficient?

to Save heat will help to install new plastic or wood Windows with multi-glazed Windows. The installation of a second door at the entrance to the apartment or house. Install heat-reflecting screen (or sheet of aluminum foil) on the wall behind the radiator. Replace cast iron radiators with aluminum, which is heat transfer by 40-50 percent higher. Balcony glazing creates a thermal buffer temperature is 10 degrees higher than outside in the bitter cold.

to Save electricity by observing very simple rules. The first of them are familiar to us since childhood: before leaving, extinguish the light. Replacement of incandescent lamps with energy saving fluorescent – they pay for themselves in 8-10 times. And clean Windows reduce lighting costs by 10-15 percent.

don’t leave appliances in standby mode. During the year, four devices of the type TV or computer left in the sockets, additionally spend 300-400 kW/hours. Purchase energy efficient equipment of class A+ and above. Do not place the refrigerator next to a gas stove or radiator, this increases the power consumption by 20-30 percent. Do not boilITE in the kettle of excess water.

And finally, saving the most precious resource – water. To install toggle switches on the mixer instead of turning taps: water saving – 10-15 percent. Do not include the complete jet. To turn off the water while soaping hands, shaving or brushing teeth. Take a shower and not a bath. When you change the toilet to prefer a two-button drain each jaw-whisker. These simple measures will contribute to each of us in sustainable consumption of the planet’s resources, which should be enough for many generations.