the English their own: the students of the University of London refuse to study Immanuel Kant. “The starry heavens above me and the moral law inside me” sounds in time. In the spirit of “decolonization” need to write also “white philosophers-racists” Descartes and Plato. Torment to study them all. The British have to carry 60 monuments – as requested by activists. God be with him, with Churchill (he smoked a lot!) – do you want to carry and peel, the former Prime Minister.

what in the ocean? Monuments mow lists. New craze goes around the world: the dictatorship of political correctness and multiculturalism. Amazing things do not surprise anyone. But many people think that this is not about us it – somewhere. And that the conflicts of generations, “fathers and sons” is the nineteenth century. And for good reason. In Russia scary like all the advanced and adopt fashion quickly. We are people interested. And, if abroad, began now for the monuments of the last century – that this is no accident. Then, at the turn of the nineteenth century, advanced trends come from everywhere – Russian youth were extremely careful not to fall behind. Clutching at any phantom – what? Young Fanny, daughter of the Decembrist Nikolai Turgenev, who lived in Paris, decided that if, in despotic Russia abolished peasant slavery, then God himself commanded the Americans blacks to let go. In December 1861 he published an article in the local magazine “Piete-charite” (“Piety and mercy”). Editor is now called in the French Ministry of the interior, where it is explained that the French have towards America his interest, “on slavery should not dare to attack” – the magazine SWAT. The girl Fanny given nose. So where’s the civilization? Where the truth lies – where one illusion? Here are three short stories from the lives of gullible young men in those years – today they seem to be quite on the topic of the day.

the Fourteenth of January, 1857, at the meeting of the Council of the Moscow art society there was a fight. Dear Professor Stepan shevyryov, a well-known literary critic, a close friend of Gogol and the author of the phrase “decaying West”. Against Westerners and multiculturalists, Basil of count Bobrinsky, the grandson of Catherine II, in fact the Royal cousin. Got in a fight just due to the Englishman Robert peel. Lord of the Admiralty visited Moscow at the coronation of Alexander II returned to London and delivered some speeches against Russia. So dirty that he had to resign. Herzen about the fight said so. The spores came to “the speech of Robert peel, which referred to the count decided to stand up. – “Then You are not a patriot,” said the Professor. At these words the count with an amazing quick wit replied, “And you, son of a bitch, married to an assh…ke!” (of children born out of wedlock. – I. V.) – “And you yourself come from a wide…ka”, in turn, noted Professor and BAM count in the face. There is already the count could not resist, knocked the Professor down, started er�� to trample and beat the chair…”

All gone, the Governor Zakrevskii immediately sent a telegram to the king with a request to give instructions – “I fight, like, so-and-so and so-and – so supposed to do?”. The fighters were able to separate only the mistress of the house. Have shevyreva rib was broken.

What happened? Exiled Shevyreva. Bobrinsky asked not to Shine – but he had made to Professor upekli behind bars. In the end, three years later, the author of multivolume “History of Russian literature” was forced to go away to Paris, where he died soon afterwards. We can say that was won by the multiculturalists. However, in the history of Russian culture came not for him, and Shevyrev.

In March 1871 Mary Stout, sister of Leo Tolstoy, wrote longtime friend Ivan Turgenev (author of “Fathers and children” and the novel “Steppe king LIR”) that goes abroad: “I would Very much like to see you… You as a psychologist might even benefit from my stories… Look at an outdated woman and do not come to mind to write “Mothers and children”!”. Having thought, has added that she is now in discord with the whole family – and if Turgenev “on the Eve”, the daughter ran away from his parents, something about her he could not write “king” and “Queen Lear”.

Emancipation – the forerunner of today’s feminism was in full swing. A letter to Mary written half in jest – but not without reason. The history of its longstanding relationship with Turgenev was a matter so subtle that it cost them to get acquainted, the Countess Tolstoy has separated from her husband after ten years of marriage, Tolstoy wrote his diary that comes with her bad Turgenev. Anyway, the Countess, impressed by the progressive views on the plight of women, since showered unhappiness. Bastard child Elena from foreign Viscount she was ashamed to call her my daughter. There were two daughters, “legal”, died two sons. The Countess was tormented by loneliness – the emancipation didn’t help. Not to blame – but the edge of progressive ideas touched her. Unknown, was found with her at the time, Turgenev – but in the end beloved sister of Tolstoy, went to the monastery, which remained until the last days.

the Story of Ivan Turchaninov and his wife Nadezhda extraordinary. There has not been without “Gone with the wind”. Before the young Colonel, chief of staff of a corps in Poland, had a bright future. But he married and Turchaninova ran right into free America. On the way to reaching their oblectives Herzen. It will take some time, and John, now Turchin, along with his wife, asked back – but the despot king, he refused. He will fight for us “northerners”.

And here the conflict with the command of General Buell himself owned slaves and denied to free the slaves of the South, respecting their property. Idealist Turchin did not understand him. And after the capture of the town of Athens (Alabama) That��chin was accused of all sins and put on trial. The wife reached President Lincoln, he rescued him, giving him the rank of Brigadier General. Turchin heroically took part in the battle of Chickamauga – the fight and ended up in the novel “gone with the wind”.

Herzen he wrote after: “Not only boring, but papacosta land of America.”

what’s the matter? Yes, deceived by illusions. “I don’t see real freedom here, no hair” instead of “Royal smoke” the main thing here is the “merchant’s pocket.” Wife added to his letter: “Nowhere in the world so openly blatantly not bowing to the money.” Old age they meet in poverty: the former General gave a pension of 50 dollars, he was earning money playing the violin. Was it worth it to break the fate – the question was rhetorical. But the grave Turchini contains the state.

P. S. why these stories? How is this instructive? To solve for the reader.