Each Valentina Legkostupova Vadim Manukyan told why after moving abroad, the singer decided to return to Russia.

In an interview with "MK" he noted that in 2010 the artist decided to go to Spain, where he lived for several years.

"I said Earlier that her dad was ill, she nursed him. Everything else, in Spain with my ex-husband it was over," Manukyan said.

A friend of the singer said that after her breakup with husband of her nothing more is kept abroad. In addition, the mother Legkostupova didn’t want to leave Russia after his daughter.

According to Manukian, the home of artist was going to re-start a career.

The interlocutor of the edition told that on his return Legkostupova became the head of the culture Department in Feodosia.

"Valea often told as organizes festivals, local concerts" quoted "MK".

He added that about two years ago Legkostupova has decided to abandon the bureaucratic work.

In recent years, the singer, like her husband, was fond of sailing, which inspired her "more than creativity".

Manukyan said that Legkostupova didn’t like to share details of his personal life.

As said, the other singer, she had no health problems and "nothing foretold troubles"

"She said, "I am a happy person!" this is Constantly repeated," he said.

Earlier, the singer’s daughter announced that 54-year-old Legkostupova died this afternoon.

This week it became known that the actress was in the hospital with a head injury and, according to some media reports, hematomas throughout the body. At the clinic, she had the surgery. The daughter of singer noted that Legkostupova in a coma.

SK finds out circumstances associated with the received artist of the damage. The police questioned the wife Legkostupova Yuri Firsov. The investigation is inclined to think that the singer was injured in a fall in his apartment.