MOSCOW, may 5 — RIA Novosti. To strengthen the immune system, “sitting on the couch and devouring” some pills”, it is impossible. The only way is to fulfill certain conditions that the doctor Yevhen Komarovsky listed instagram.

“the strengthening of the immune system is exercise, no unhealthy food, excess sugar, no excess weight, lack of stress, lack of sterility, because our immune defense must be in constant contact with lots of bacteria; it is a regular positive emotion, is regular sex. It’s all natural plus fresh air. All of this is the strengthening of immunity”, — said the doctor.

He acknowledged that people do not always want to exercise, diet, and not to treat others with evil.

Komorowski also added that some believe that we can preserve health and strengthen the immune system, doing nothing and just taking a “magic pill”, but actually it is not. Nevertheless, this idea can earn fraudulently by criminals, he said.

Earlier, the doctor warned that for the prevention of coronavirus infection in any case one should not take antibiotics.

the Latest data on the situation of COVID-19 in Russia and the world presented on the portal stopmanager.of the Russian Federation.