spiritual and moral values are the Foundation of the world, act as the guide of life, understanding people, are the basis of stereotypes and models of human behavior in society.

interest in the question of what values need arises, as a rule, when the society and the state raises the question of choosing the ways of further development.

of the topic of values was performed in terms of a broad discussion of amendments to the Main Law of the country in the year of the 75th anniversary of the great Victory. At these events, the West responded by intensifying awareness-raising campaigns, which aim to falsify the world and national history, to belittle the value of the Victory, to inflict another blow to the system of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.

Despite the enormous efforts overseas “partners” for scrapping formed previous generations the system of values in Russia, it has kept its main qualitative characteristics.

a Generalized notion of conjunction of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values very succinctly, but not exhaustively enshrined in the national security Strategy of the Russian Federation. In particular, these include the priority of the spiritual over the material, the protection of human life, rights and freedoms of the individual, family, creative work, service to the Fatherland, the norms of morality, humanity, mercy, justice, mutual aid, collectivism, historical unity of the peoples of Russia, the continuity of the history of our country.

No less important list of spiritual and moral values presented in the Strategy of development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025. It is based on values such as humanity, justice, honor, conscience, freedom, personal dignity, faith in goodness and desire to the fulfillment of moral duty to himself, his family and his homeland.

the System of traditional Russian values, have existed for centuries, serves the spiritual and moral Foundation of our society. This system lay in the basis of world-historic victory of the Soviet people in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945. This Foundation helps to preserve and strengthen the sovereignty, to build a future, despite all the complexities and contradictions of historical development. Our country is in a literal sense suffered their values, and now the main task of future generations is conservation and augmentation.

the value of our multinational and multiconfessional society are to be protected from the aggressive promotion of the values of neoliberal wing, which in many ways contradict the very essence of our understanding of the world and actively promote our geofield��political opponents in the struggle for influence on the development of civilization and its dominance in the world.

We see that they still seek to destroy the common home of the multinational family of the peoples of Russia, to diminish the importance of traditional spiritual and moral values as the basis of cultural, spiritual, political, and, ultimately, sovereignty.

Undoubtedly, the fundamental values as an ideal target and the quality of society is largely identical among most people. No one, no matter who advocated for justice, security or well-being.

Unusual for our Russian society and the dominant foreign culture values, usually denoted by the term “Western values”.

in addition, many older and middle generations are familiar with the concept, which was widely used during the so-called “perestroika” and the period of formation of new Russia, “human values”.

without denying the existence of common human values, I would emphasize that in that period the implementation of the “concept of human values”, on the one hand, made more understandable and closer to the previously “closed” for most of the population of our country, “the Western world”, and with another – allowed to promote social and moral values do not always coincide with traditional domestic values.

“Western” values, which in recent decades has increasingly treated as “universal”, because in that form enshrined in the official documents of the European Union, became popular stamp.

To get an idea about their content and importance, it is important to look at the history of their interpretation in the official documents of the European Union.

So, the preamble of the Treaty on European Union (Maastricht, 7 February 1992) speaks of the “cultural, religious and humanitarian heritage of Europe on the basis of which formed the universal values of inviolable and inalienable human rights, freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law”. The Treaty provided for the assertion that “the European Union is founded on values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common in a society dominated by the diversity of opinions, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men.”

not to mention that some European values, for example, an eight-hour working day, equality between women and men the right to vote for women was only due to the events of 1917 in Russia. The equality in voting rights, for example in France, women received only in 1944, Switzerland in 1971 ��ode, and in Portugal only in 1974.

unfortunately, real life shows that the impressive-sounding official position about the “universal” values today are largely just a Declaration, because since the adoption of these standards in the Western world rapidly did the process of transition to a neoliberal model of development.

In the West deliberately blur such basic notions as family, mother and father, man and woman. Artificially implanted instead of the norm such as “parent 1” and “parent 2” formed because of their unnatural from a purely biological point of view, the basis for civilizational conflict in the Western society.

moreover, these norms contradict the most fundamental fact of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and other religions and are just hostile.

In the social sphere, neoliberalism fosters individualism, selfishness, the cult of pleasure, of unrestrained consumption, solutionwith the freedom of any expression. While on the West, not all support such anti-values.

Examples abound. Suffice it to recall mass protests in France conducted against the legalization of gay marriage in January 2013. Then, on the streets of Paris left more than 300 thousand people. The vote in the national Assembly of France, which was held for consideration of the bill “Marriage for all” shared the Parliament almost in half (from 565 225 parliamentarians voted were against the adoption of the law). Given the level of polarization of French society in those days, it begs the question of whether these values are really universal, or are they all the same someone artificially imposed?

Pandemic COVID-19 clearly revealed the negative consequences of the new plantings of Western values, especially the deepening of fragmentation, indifference and confusion in the face of impending danger.

All this is happening against the background of another process, which in the West is simply not to say. There is a rapid destruction of the middle class, which is precisely the conservative majority ensured the preservation of traditional values.

the Catalyst for this phenomenon was the geopolitical catastrophe caused by the collapse of the Soviet Union, because the elimination of the main ideological opponent completely untied the hands of Western neo-liberal elite. The need to address the ideological problem which was earlier imposed on the middle class, no longer because with the changes in our country have lost the sense of any demonstration of the “advantages” of the Western way of life.

the Destruction of the middle class, along with the worsening migration situation, in turn, stimulated the revival of cave nationalism, which is actually pausralia USA and leading countries of the “United” Europe, such as Ukraine.

Nurtured right-wing and nationalist parties in Europe itself. Among other things, the new Western values have given rise to torture in prisons in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, have become a disincentive to service in the army and protect his country. The resolute refusal of some countries to accept these values often leads to sanctions directed against entire peoples. All the design of traditional Western values have undergone such profound changes that the current “universal” norms actually has nothing to do with the former, more familiar to us system of values of European civilization.

It is not about the substitution of some values of others. One should speak about the emergence of a new ideological system, which aims, ultimately, to the destruction of any traditional religious and moral values as the basic foundations of cultural and political sovereignty of countries and peoples.

the New Western values have become in the world the imposition of an alien worldview. The ideologues of the West put whole countries and peoples are faced with a choice – either you accept the “universal values”, or your values are wrong, immoral.

Thus, any attempt to standardize the Russian or other assets under the officially adopted “universal” are a manifestation of socio-cultural aggression aimed at the destruction of traditional value systems in a particular state.

In terms of digitalization of modern society, against the background of degradation of the system of international relations and international security collective West is committed to implement neo-liberal dogma in the minds of Russian citizens and our compatriots around the world, attacking not only traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, but also true, indeed, common to mankind values, undermining the foundations of States. In this widely used ideological formulations of the “clash of civilizations”.

No less devastating was the impact of these norms on the system of international security. The substitution of international standards right of the strongest, with fire and sword propagated “freedom and democracy” where they can not exist in this Western sense, by definition, due to historical, religious, ethnological and other reasons have led to the tragedy of Iraq, Syria and Libya. Separate a shameful page in history for all of the NATO countries was and always will be barbaric bombing of Yugoslavia.

the Attack is conducted on “all fronts” this “hybrid” war. The main target elected the erosion developed over the centuries of traditions of the various peoples, their language, faith and historical memory ��of okalani. Such norms and values cannot be taken of the multinational Russian people under any circumstances.

against this background it is important is the question of what Russia has to offer the world in return.

unlike the West, Russia is, in fact, offers a new choice which include equality, fairness, non-interference in internal Affairs, the lack of mentor tone and any pre-conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation.

Russia proposes the construction of national sovereignty, including cultural, spiritual and moral, in the status of the greatest value and a basis for the subsequent construction of human civilization. There is no doubt that the number of followers of such a choice in the world will grow, creating more favorable conditions for development and prosperity of various countries and peoples.