Even at a young age, men should not neglect the health of their prostate. After all, this is a “top performer,” says doctor Yael Adler. Here she explains when and why you should take preventive care.

If she had any emotions, she would have every reason to be in a constant mood: she usually only engages in conversation when older men’s jets are no longer strong, or when she has been discredited as the cause of frequent night-time urges to urinate. Even at a young age, the prostate is a top performer, without which hardly anything in male sexuality works in many senses.

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The organ, normally about the size of a chestnut and weighing 20 to 25 grams in normal state and over 30 to even 100 grams when enlarged, sits in a top position directly under the male urinary bladder. At this location, with supplements from the seminal vesicles, the semen is produced, in which the sperm, brought under strong pressure by an impulse from the muscle cells, start their journey – into the bed sheet, into the condom, a vagina, or to other destinations.

Yael Adler is a dermatologist and bestselling author. She has completed additional training in phlebology (vein medicine) and nutritional medicine. Her specialty: The influence of nutrition and psyche on the skin.

As long as all this works, nobody says a word about the prostate. As if it should therefore be reminded to us, scientifically no reason has been proven so far, but it is linked to hormonal factors: it starts to grow in many men from around 60. In doing so, it squeezes the urethra, which leads to the weakness of the jet and is often associated with impairment of the bladder muscles. There can also be residual urine in the bladder, which carries the risk of urinary tract infections and bladder stones.

If the urinary stasis lasts longer, there is a risk of overflow incontinence, sudden urination because the bladder no longer reports properly whether it is full or halfway full and wants to be emptied. It is also possible that the bladder retains all of the urine, so that the muscles and nerves continue to expand and finally can no longer contract. Varicose veins develop around the urethra, which can rupture and bleed into the bladder.

All about our largest organ – Yael Adler

Unpleasant, but perhaps not as dramatic as it sounds. Definitely go to the urologist! In any case, this visit to the specialist is recommended for men over the age of 45 – as an annual prostate cancer check-up. Here it can be determined whether it is a benign enlargement of the prostate or whether a carcinoma is growing: After the popular “little harbor tour”, i.e. palpation of the rectum, an ultrasound, urine flow measurement, urine status, measurement of the prostate-specific antigen PSA im blood, an MRI scan or a biopsy can be suggested. The PSA value relates to the prostate-specific antigen, an enzyme whose concentration in the blood says something about the activity of the prostate tissue (the following value is normal: PSA < 4ng/ml).

However, not every elevation is a carcinoma. It is important to identify or rule out prostate cancer. It is true that carcinomas, if detected early, can have a favorable medical prognosis. Undetected prostate cancer, on the other hand, can be aggressive and life-threatening, especially in younger men!

Tissue parameters are used to determine how aggressive a prostate carcinoma is. For this purpose, tissue samples must be taken from the prostate and examined histologically. The values ​​collected can also be used to make a decision for therapy – for surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or the administration of anti-male hormones, or just further close monitoring and monitoring.

Our PDF guide explains the function and stimulation of the male pleasure center and shows you how to remedy any problems.

Incidentally, personal prevention can consist of regular sex, including by hand: five ejaculations a week keep the tissue well flushed and are said to reduce the risk of cancer by 30 percent.

The following factors also seem to have an effect in the initial phase, but have not yet been sufficiently proven:

Even if everything is still going well: think about your prostate from time to time and get through the time healthy!