the details of the procedure of introduction of “mobile ID”, which as planned by the officials to replace the usual passport, revealed in the Ministry of communications. The application launch is scheduled in the experiment. As an “experimental” will be Muscovites. Wishing to try something new will have to take even voice.

Ministry of communications published for public comment a draft resolution of the Government.

an Experiment on the introduction of the digital version of the passport will be launched in Moscow and will last from July 1 this year until December 31, 2021-th. However, to call the new software a virtual passport can be a stretch. In one app “included” everything to do with the identity of the citizen: name, picture, data registration, information about the previously issued passports and foreign passports, marital status with information about marriages and divorces, and SNILS and INN.

according to the text of the document, become a member of the global digitization will Moskvich over the age of 18 with a valid passport on hand. Download the app through the store in your gadget.

Next, you will have to come in the pilot IFC. With empty hands you can’t go there: a need to seize a passport application and some references. In exchange for the statement, the employee center will give the Braves a receipt with the already familiar to all Muscovites QR code.

in addition, chooses to stay in the virtual space will take the voice, biometric data, and scan the passport in the visible and ultraviolet ranges. Once activated, the app for smartphone will have to watch like a wallet or keys from the safe. Hand the mobile device to another person is prohibited.

If some data from the program will flow into the hands of hackers, blame the citizen. This is specified in the draft decree. For the security of usernames, passwords and pin-codes to follow have to the owner of the phone. However, as highlighted in the document, activating a mobile application in the experiment does not include changes in the rights of the citizen to use the passport. In addition, if desired, the user can lock the program temporarily or permanently.