Died of Nina Andreeva. The most significant act was the famous article “I can Not renounce principles”, published in the newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya on 13 March 1988, in the midst of restructuring. Then it was called “manifest antiparasitogenic forces.”

not known she wrote it herself or under the dictation of the powerful in those days, party leader Yegor Ligachev, but the noise has done a lot. On this occasion even going to the Politburo, and then was the response of comrade Gorbachev, liberal Alexander Yakovlev: “alternative restructuring there”. The Stalinists-conservatives put in place and publicity has continued.

So Nina Andreeva has taught us a lesson. It is not that we cannot betray the ideals and the need to protect them from last forces, and what kind of persecution she staged the Democrats. “Who is not with us is against us” — this slogan in Russia is ineradicable. Andreev was forced to resign from the Institute, to quit teaching. She went into politics to defend their ideals, but nothing there could do, disappeared from the radar, and lived in obscurity. Forgot it.

That’s the moral of Nina Andreeva: the Democrats are the Communists, only with the opposite sign. They are now exactly the same. If we saw it then.