the Worsening climatic situation and global warming leads to the emergence of previously unknown viruses. This was stated by bioekolog, master of ecology and environmental Sciences Lydia Belyaeva in an interview with “Izvestia”.

due to the increase in average temperature around the world is the melting of glaciers. “And with them unable to thaw out viruses and spores of microorganisms, formed many years ago. And it is not known whether the human body to resist them”, — said the expert. She added that in nature there are many varieties of the virus are still hiding from humans in animals.

associate Professor of immunology Russian national research medical University named after Pirogov, doctor-allergist-immunologist Olga Pashchenko added that the pollution of waters and soil by waste from human activities leads to the ingress of toxic substances in the body. This increases the risk of allergic and autoimmune reactions. In the result, the human body becomes susceptible to not only new viruses, but also of lingering pathogens.

Earlier, the doctor the allergist–immunologist Marina Opletaev explained the reason for weak immunity in modern humans. She is convinced that one of the factors of weakening of the immune system can be impacted by antibiotics, which the immune system becomes less sensitive.

Russia is on the 7th place by the number of infected citizens with the index 134 687 people. In total, for all the time of a pandemic in Russia recorded 1280 deaths, recovered 16 639 people.