“Crimean Republican centre of emergency medicine and emergency medical care” received 10 new cars. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of health.

the Ford class is designed for the transportation of patients and delivery of emergency specialized medical assistance, as well as for transportation of potentially infected or infected patients.

the Machines will be distributed to update the fleet of air ambulance, – explained in the Ministry of health. – They are purchased by the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation pursuant to Russian Federation government order of April 1, 2020 on the provision of SMP service and air ambulance, as well as to combat the effects of the spread of a new coronavirus infection. The upgrade of the fleet of the ambulance service contributes to the quality of medical care to the population.

the Center Also received four car GAZelle NEXT to strengthen the existing fleet Simferopol ambulance station. They will be registered, the registration and in the near future will go on the line.