the Epidemic has made journalism more dangerous. Rulers all over the world use the virus as a convenient pretext for further suppression of professional journalism.

for example, in Egypt since the start of the pandemic have arrested ten journalists. And the content of journalists in jail for reporting current events has very different implications in terms of the epidemic. Prisoners are much more likely to get sick or even die because of lack of proper care. Journalists are kept behind bars, knowing that it dramatically increases the risk that they could get infected. The authorities allow the virus to do their dirty work. And the journalists feel their impotence.

Journalism and killed Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple. Moreover, because of the pandemic is dramatically decreased. Advertising revenues that financed quality journalism, has these monopolies.

Talking about money is considered rude, but professional journalism industry. Free to publish a newspaper or make a TV channel a little hard, and existed for centuries the business model of journalism has collapsed. This problem is global. The revision has no money not only to Fund the investigation, which requires time and money, but in order to pay a decent fee, a highly qualified author. Instead of serious materials, the authors dismiss the remarks, short comments. Disappears the tradition of not only a deep understanding of what is happening, but also work on word. Suffered greatly not only non-capital newspaper journalism, but also local television. The result? People are not able to know what’s going on in their home, neighborhood, town… the Audience may have no inkling about this, but in a desperate situation and the main television companies. Suffer not a commercial program and evaluation, those that are essential to the spiritual life of society.

If you know exactly who will see your advertisement, the advertising space becomes much more valuable. Google and Facebook know who watches the ad, and their competitors for advertising dollars, Newspapers or TV – no!

Journalistic teams now have to rely on Google and Facebook to reach their audience, and must give them the data about their subscribers – viewers, listeners and readers. And the money that previously went to publishers of Newspapers and magazines, producers of TV and radio broadcasting, go to Google and Facebook, the global monopolies. From 2004 to 2014, Google spent $ 23 billion on buying 145 companies. Facebook spent about the same amount for the purchase of 66 companies that allowed to achieve dominant position in mobile social networks.

But that’s not the monopolization of the industry. These concerns – not just the more powerful of mediageGanta killing smaller competitors. Google and Facebook generally don’t do journalism, they manage information services. They don’t care what news they spread.

the Creator of Facebook mark Zuckerberg has guided good goal is to link people, to establish between them friendly relations. Initially it was assumed that socially significant news come from professional media. But now the Internet is the main tool to deliver information to the audience. So we are bombarded by news flow, which are made specifically for Facebook. They were originally designed in order for the computer to pay attention to them and distributed across the network. The main thing is to make the recipient invented news to share read, to send in their circle.

How social networks work? Get information on the lives of classmates who have not seen a photo of lucky, rested on the sea, an invitation from friends to the country, and at the same time the message that all medical vaccinations lead to autism, and appeal: protect your children from vaccinations! This message is not addressed to us, but the site mechanical painted the news to everyone. The computer that controls the distribution, is not authorized to determine the authenticity of the information. But you perceive it as completely reliable. Received from friends, along with congratulations on the occasion of wedding anniversary, a festive cake recipe and a description of the new diet seems to be more reliable. It’s not just news, it is news from friends! Once they liked it, so, deserves my attention. These news are read and commented, share them and discuss them.

the Proportion of fakes is only one percent of the total amount of information which we are bombarded. However, it is devised news attract attention and be sensational, they are read avidly, listen, transfixed, and stare, not looking up. Share them with best friends and girlfriends, their hot comment. And any response, even the indignant and scornful, – additional revenue for the social network!

So it makes sense to compete for the attention of computer algorithm that pulls out from the endless stream of those or other news to instantly disseminate them worldwide. And it turns out that online advertising money is generously funded primarily fake, invented false news.

Network advocates freer of professional journalists! They do not need to verify the authenticity of their information. Who will they impose a claim? Social networks are not responsible for the accuracy of information. Social networks – the territory of absolute freedom. Finally everyone got the right to speak on any subject. No sense of responsibility! Signal functions of journalism and cultural barriers, designed to protect the public from misinformation, do not apply here. Ethical debates have not touched an online system. There is a new information system, not limited to any rules.

we are confident that We are talking about facts, when really Express their emotions. When we share the news, I think that we penpals valuable information. But studies show that two-thirds of news that circulate on the Internet, were not even read by those who share. We are willing to share an article than read it.

most Often forwarded the news, which aroused strong emotions, including outrage. And social networks are just pumping us with emotions. When it comes to sharing political news, we often give signals about their outrage and thus hope that others will share it. That these are trolls and other employees of the misinformation-industrial complex. Providers deliberate, but disguised lie realize that we do share what we are outraged.

Social networks not only inform, but also change the world. They are incredibly reinforce the intensity of emotions, because there are people only communicate with their supporters all together and criticize those who disagree with them. Communication in the circle of friends gives confidence in the correctness. Political battles now are won and lost in social networks.

Unprofessional journalism produces information that is able to the limit to stretch not only muscles but also all the other muscles, including the heart. Misinformation is fueling the conflict stronger statements and actions of politicians. Armed conflict is preceded by a “war of words”. Field of these battles is the Internet, where explode weapons of mass destruction.

If we trust their environment, you take for granted all we say. Especially in those areas where we are not experts. Because it is so easy to believe what is propagated in social networks: after all, this is my social circle! Social networks unite their adherents. Opinions and facts that do not like, we do not read.

Man by nature is not endowed with the ability to distinguish fact from fiction. So our brain works. Knowledge is not what is contained in the head from nature. Knowledge sharing and knowledge gain. Most of us know that the Earth revolves around the Sun. But we do not worked in astronomical observatories and did not carry out calculations. We have somehow heard or read in the textbook. That is, using someone else’s knowledge, but act like they learned it themselves. Knowledge about social structure, political life, about the behavior of rulers, we also learn from those with whom you communicate. You can read research work, to consult with a competent professional, and can be satisfied by a note sent by someone in Facebook… But the offer on the market of the information is deteriorated. Of modern journalism disappear two critical genre analysis and investigation. And unless society can live without thinking what is happening?

Already prepared instructions on how to verify the authenticity not only of facts but also of a particular photo or video on the Internet. However, the main question is: why do we believe in the dream news?

They invented counting on us.

you Cannot make us believe what we believe. But you can strengthen the already existing ones we have fears and phobias. We don’t want to learn something new. We believe what confirms their existing opinion of us. In the mass consciousness there is no demand for new knowledge, and there is a request for confirmation of the long-learned simple schemes designed to explain. Genuine knowledge requires serious thought. And I do not want…

Any news can be extremely persuasive when they divided someone familiar, someone you know and trust. This is the reason the credibility of the news that come via social media. The popularity of invented news is due to the phenomenon known in psychology as the tendency to confirm their own point of view. We look for information that allows us to grow in righteousness, grow in their own eyes. We tend to join one group or another inside of social networks. The exchange of information in common. If we find in the social networks of people who share our view, this strengthens our position.

the Objective facts are less important for the formation of public opinion than an appeal to emotion and personal beliefs. In our eyes, the boundaries disappear between the real information and invented. Moreover, the impression that society does not want to be warned right and wrong. The most acute and painful issues are primitive responses. Celebrates the desire to simplify the reality. Instead analyze what is happening, to uncover the causes of the problems, clearly explain to the reader or listener what happens. A recent study has debunked the stereotype, according to which fake news supposedly more likely to share uneducated people. Actually invented by the news much more prone people with higher education and higher income.

the Most insidious misinformation – one that blurs the line between reality and fiction. Often, disinformation contains a kernel of truth that makes it a refutation. Important and painful for society, the problem becomes the occasion for buffoonery. In social networks odious figures exist on an equal footing with the decent people. And those who previously concealed their vile views, suddenly you see that nothing to be ashamed of, their adenomas��Nike flooded the Internet. Whole segments of the social networking preach disrespect and contempt for journalism: he’s lying. Current online operators are filling the Internet garbage news, creating a thick fog of misinformation. And people come to the conclusion that in General all lies, not know the truth and no one can be trusted.

Journalism from naturalistici differs only by one thing: professionalism. News all you want, the information shaft is flooded. But it is important to understand what is happening and why. Of course, there are people who are seriously ill, are turning to witch doctors and shamans, but that does not negate the professional medicine. And social networks, computer-controlled, do not replace the journalist-professional. And in the information space seek out competent and unbiased. The main thing that kept journalists-professionals, and professional media. Authentic media – those that focus on the real problems of society. And this, of course, assumes a critical tone. Authenticity requires and expose the lies that are distributed in networks.

In a society there are thoughtful and caring people, who need adequate information. The need for professional journalism has not disappeared. We see the emergence of new journalistic structures that skillfully use modern technological capabilities. They focus on the Essentials – on analytical and investigative journalism. And thereby help the viewer, reader, listener to understand what is happening in the country and in the world. And well, today Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook again compete with each other, which should increase demand for high-quality information. But how to make advertising revenues returned to journalism?