Correspondents RG together with the Central Bank sent the money to the quarantine

Therefore, the world health organization (who) recommends that, after calculating the cash must wash their hands and not touching your face. And safer to pay contactless credit card.

But what if the calculation of the “Bank transfer” is impossible?

In fact, the Russians should not be afraid to withdraw money from ATMs or to pay them in the store – the measures adopted the Central Bank to prevent the spread of infection is a lot tighter than advised by the who. To verify this, the correspondent “RG” went to the Cash center of the Urals main Department of the Bank of Russia.

not Even all the indigenous inhabitants of Yekaterinburg know where there is one of the country’s largest cash centres, counting money, not in units, but in tons. Huge area and increased security measures are justified, because here are kept reserves of banks not only the Urals Federal district, but also in Perm region, Bashkiria, Orenburg region. The leg of the journalist here has never trod – for “WG” made an exception.

“we focus not only regional, but also inter-regional reserve funds, – said the head Cash center of the Ural Bank of Russia Arkady starlings. On such an occasion as today: if some areas will be missed cash, we will always be able to “transfer” stocks. The population of the us gets nothing: only banks and government organizations. In late March, the results of “cash” has grown. This is due to the fact that people were more likely to withdraw money from ATMs. Now the volume of issuance even less than last year during this period. In principle, our work there has been some seasonality: before holidays, after a long vacation, the results were always more.”

Together with Arkady Skvortsov, we go to the so-called client room. Customers in the Bank of Russia is not called customers, and collectors who bring and receive cash. Armored car drives through an automated box on a special schedule. At the entrance is a mandatory procedure of checking the temperature and wetting of the hands with antiseptic. All cash – in simple black masks, the only “liberty” that we noticed – “funny faces” on fabric.

the Local cash desks are not like those tiny space for 1-2 visitors, which all used to seeing in banks: a spacious 70 square meters, between the collector and cashiers – armored glass. Documents and money are transferred through a special gateway: it can be opened from one side only, either from the cashier or from the customer. Log in to the cashier “sealed” wide armored door. She will always be locked during service, you can get inside only after a special signal the cashier.

the head of the Department of IRINand Tredennick works in the Bank of Russia for 24 years, and remembers that before the transmission of the device was quite small: on average, the Bank received 100 packs (one pack is 1000 sheets). And now take the tapes, these are plastic boxes with a transparent top. Each is placed in 10 packs, that is 10 thousand cash sheets or six bags of coins.

Now there are three offices of four of the staff brought in a reserve – if someone from the staff sick, there is someone to replace. In teams – either entirely strong men of 30 years, or a mixed composition. The fact that the cassette is very heavy: one with cash pulls on 12-14 pounds, with coins on all 30. Last year put a vacuum manipulator: he “clings” to the box and moves it on the table or on the floor. So work cashiers easier. But still they need a physical force: when a large grant or a cash-in and cash-filled containers with the tapes.

“Counting cars we usually don’t use because we accept and issue consolidated packaging, – says Irina Tredennick. – See cassette seals with a barcode or QR code? Credit institution, which packs the money, makes all information in the program: face value, how much is invested, by whom and when. It is enough to read the code to the contactless device to the data got in the cash document. Of course, this greatly simplifies the delivery or reception”.

In normal times, the cashiers are working without gloves and masks. In contrast to the Department where the accounts are located-grading machines – where respirators are always required. In addition, every employee there put the hand cream, because they separate the dirty bills and coins of the net, identify defects and “dubious” cash, i.e. with signs of counterfeiting. Today and operating cashiers change masks every three hours. And wipe work surfaces and apparatus for transfer of money. Direct contact with the banknotes no, they are in plastic packaging. The room itself during the day disinfected bactericidal irradiator. In addition, once a week on weekends the premises where work with clients is treated with a special disinfecting solution.

the money handed over by the collectors, no antiseptic is not watering. They are sent to 14-day quarantine in storage. At this time no one touches. And only two weeks “aging” the banknotes are transferred to the sorting. After processing, six more days of quarantine, and only then absolutely safe banknotes and coins are sent to the results. Of course, it extends the working capital cycle Cash centre (before it took 10 business days), but it helps keep everyone safe from infection.

On the first of April in Russia was in circulation 6.2 billion banknotes and 67.9 of MilliaRDA coins.

In March, the Central Bank recommended banks restrict cash withdrawals through ATM machines-recycling machines, where the circulation of the bills happens in a circle. This requirement affected only 25 percent of all devices installed.

in addition, the credit organizations are recommended to sustain the money before loading into ATMs for 3-4 days, regularly disinfecting devices and payment terminals. And give the priority to non-cash payments.

All the materials of the story “COVID-19. We can do it!” read the .