are closed Since the schools, due to the Coronavirus, is booming with Learning on the Computer like never. This is also the teaching by feel. In order to support students, teachers and parents, offers the publisher since the middle of March and up to the summer holidays in Switzerland special licenses for its digital teaching resources – free.

The offering is generating great interest. “There have been related to well over 100’000 licenses,” says Nicolas Brandenberg, head of Digital media teaching resources publishing. With the licences, those interested in access to digital teaching resources on the levels of Kindergarten to ninth grade.

Including a math-learning software, with of by random number generator, an infinite number of mathematics tasks can be trained. Or a French-teaching means the pupils the Wörtli be read still correctly pronounced. “So that students can practice independently,” says Brandenberg. This relieves the parents. No wonder demand for the special licenses so!