Herning has in relation to other Danish cities outside of the capital had relatively many cases of covid-19-patients.

Now is a special group from the regional hospital herning’s research centre, called NIDO, in the process of trying to find the reason or reasons why the middle – and west jutland area has, in particular, many coronasmitte-case, which has been developed to covid-19.

“In the pandemic’s early stage in Denmark, there is observed a relative increased incidence of covid-19-patients in the Hospitalsenheden the West. The background examine hospital possible causal relationships to sygdomsbilledet among the patients,” says communications manager Finn Møller.

specifically, you will review and scrutinize patient records; particularly closely and try to find a pattern, so you along the way hopefully find the main reason for coronasmitten.

“We use the information from patient records; including medical history. It is a clinical kvalitetsprojekt, which does not contain smitteopsporing,” says Finn Møller.

In the local area and, not least, on the social media yesterday rygtestrømmen merrily about what is or can be the direct reason for that Herning has been a kind of provincial epicenter of covid-19.

Not least, there is talk of a large-scale hingstekårings competition, which was settled in the beginning of march, and where no fewer than 55,000 spectators showed up.

Others believe coronasmitten due to a Superliga match between FC Midtjylland and south Jutland at the MCH Arena.

Others again are convinced that the infection has been spread based on a date.

A fourth rumor going on, that it must be a particular gas pump at a gas station in the Herning city, is the source.

But no one knows it. At any rate, not yet.

Research centre NIDO hopes to have the first results ready in two to three weeks.