Musician Sergey Shnurov summed up the dispute with the producer Joseph Prigogine and said about the uselessness of the Russian stars. About it reports “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

The leader of group “Leningrad” suggested that the main conclusion that can be drawn from it conflict with the showman, is that in Russia the audience is not supported by popular performers.

“Complaints about economic hardship the answer at best: "****** to work". And at worst… no, not miss censorship,” he said, explaining that on the background of the pandemic coronavirus, many loyal fans of the artists don’t want to give them any support.

“I think the trick here is that the popularity of most of the official workers of culture is a fiction, a myth, which they serve from the last "creative" forces,” said Cords.

In his opinion, the stars don’t interest the listeners. Instead, they target the people distributing the budget money.

“Explain the scheme: if you "star", and your "producer" with constraints, the basic checkout you do not concerts for the tickets, and all sorts of "the city". For their money on these "show" no one will go”, — explained the musician.

He added that this system can be explained by “the wretched of the Federal music television” and “dull shows.”

Conflict of Cords and Prigogine began after an interview with the producer, in which he said that now the artists are forced to “eat away what was possible in his time to save”. According to him, in such a situation are currently musicians, dancers, actors and circus performers. In response, the musician Cords wrote a poem in which he called on “people of God” to help the producer of “who than can on food”, promising myself to send sausages from “the five”.