The interior minister is blocking the deportation of convicted criminals to Afghanistan, citing the security situation there. The Minister is not willing to discuss whether this practice is still justified. That doesn’t fit into their worldview.

On which star does Nancy Faeser live? The SPD interior minister, who is known in Qatar as the woman in the stands with the One Love armband, who in this country is the politician who is taking all the force of the law against 50 crazy Reich citizens who wanted to take over Germany – this woman does not currently deport Afghan criminals to their home country.

Justification of her ministry: “With this decision, the federal government takes into account the fact that deportations must not become a danger for those to be returned, for the escorts and the flight crew.” For deportations, a stable security situation and “guarantees for a secure implementation of returns under of the Afghan de facto government”.

The specific case behind it: Ironically, in Illerkirchberg, where two girls have just become the victims of a man from Eritrea, there was a serious crime in 2019. A 14-year-old was lured by four Afghans to a home for asylum seekers and raped by them there. According to the indictment, the minor was previously rendered defenseless with narcotics. The perpetrators were sentenced to around two years in prison in 2021.

One of the convicts has been free since March 2022 and lives in Baden-Württemberg. Since then, the country’s authorities have been trying to get the man deported. But the Federal Ministry of the Interior does not want to. Reason: see above.

There are also other descriptions of contemporary Afghanistan. From the tourism industry, for example. Turkish Airlines and Emirates are already offering scheduled flights from Germany with a stopover to Kabul again. Only one-way flights cost from 272 euros and upwards.

The Emirates ad goes like this: “There may be multiple power outages, but the bubbly energy of Kabul is a good substitute. (…) Kabul, the capital, is still developing, but this is happening at a surprisingly rapid pace. There are also new hotels and restaurants and a growing optimism that can be felt everywhere. (…) You too can get some rest by strolling through the elegant mosque, between fruit trees and watercourses.”

Of course, it would be audacious to trust the prose of tourism promoters. But keeping the mantra of stopping deportations to Afghanistan unchecked is only one option for politicians who don’t want to see changes. Especially if they don’t fit into their worldview.

The article “The deportation dispute shows: Nancy Faeser lives on another planet” comes from WirtschaftsKurier.