we are Talking about ion exchange resins are synthetic compounds that are used in water treatment for nuclear power plants and nuclear plants (and also in pharmaceuticals and other industries). These sorbents are saturated with isotopes, are radioactive wastes and stores them in special repositories.

the Estimated amount of these substances accumulated up to 30000 cubic meters per year. Since the resin is unstable, their storage requires significant costs for construction, operation and maintenance of infrastructure. Plus environmental fees.

Technology, which is offered by Ural chemists, should make life easier for businesses, in their activities, applying such compounds. To help improve the environment.

“In the first phase solid ion-exchange sorbents are transferred to the state of an aqueous solution. Then the organic component of the obtained solution is subject to decomposition (destruction – ed.) with the help of specially grown microorganisms safe. At the last stage, the obtained mineral residue fully dehydrated by the microwave calcification,” says zacateros of physical and colloid chemistry, Urfu Vyacheslav Markov, and specifies: the amount of “ready” product hundreds of times smaller than the original recyclable material.

This method of waste treatment is safer and traditional, and its economic benefits is difficult to overestimate: the cost of disposing of one cubic meter sorbent is comparable to the annual cost of storage before processing.

that is obtained after applying the developed technology can be placed in the storage facilities for radioactive waste.

According to the authors innovations, the interest to it manifests the state Corporation of atomic energy.