Specialists "Mosgaz" resume checking the gas equipment in apartment buildings with 3 July, said Friday in a press-service of the urban center. Earlier rounds were suspended due to the introduction of the regime of isolation and threat of the spread of coronavirus infection.

"All the specialists involved in the audits in residential homes, will strictly observe personal safety measures, they are provided with medical masks, gloves and disinfectants, are also conducted daily monitoring of their health status," – are reported words of the Deputy mayor of Moscow Pyotr Biryukov.

A schedule of inspections is posted on the official website "Mosgaz," information can be clarified by reference phones of the organization. He also warned Muscovites against fraudsters who may try to get to the apartment under the guise of gas.

"unfortunately, such cases are not uncommon, so once again I would like to remind about the need to be vigilant and in case of doubt call the "Mosgaz" and to verify the information, whether in your home scheduled inspection of gas equipment", – said Biryukov

He recalled that employees of public utilities, unless there was an emergency situation, do not come without warning. On the information stand in the entrance and on the sites of the companies pre-positioned the relevant charts.