In the far East, a growing number of fictitious divorces granted for the sake of a cheap mortgage under 2 per cent per annum. About it write “news”.

the Loans under the preferential program “far Eastern mortgage” is issued only to spouses or single parents, whose age does not exceed 35 years. Those who do not meet this criterion, imaginary desert the family, and the younger spouse get a mortgage themselves. After that, the pair remains together without a formal marriage, or goes to the Registrar.

According to the newspaper, the number of marriage breakdown in the region in 2020 increased by 11 percent. Experts believe that a wave of divorces is triggered preferential mortgage program.

the Solution to the problems bankers see in the liberalization of the age limit provided by the program — it is sufficient that at least one of the spouses has not reached 35 years of age. This measure, being implemented, will increase the availability of subsidized mortgages at least 20 percent.

Earlier in may it became known that Russian lenders amid the economic crisis began to show additional, more stringent requirements for potential mortgage holders. The denials of loans to get, in particular, workers of sphere of services: tourism, hospitality, entertainment industry. In General, banks review the applications more thoroughly, closely evaluating the creditworthiness of prospective borrowers.