While scientists are still not sure whether a person can become infected from Pets.

Laboratory studies in the USA confirmed that the coronavirus can be transmitted between domestic cats and animals-carriers of SARS-CoV-2 show no symptoms of infection in the body, making it difficult to diagnose the disease.

Experts from the School of veterinary medicine of the University of Wisconsin conducted an experiment checking the hypothesis about the possibility of transmission between animals. The three cats infected with coronavirus, a strain of which was taken from an infected person, and then each of the sick cats were placed together with healthy animals. Five days later, a coronavirus was detected in all three experimental cats, which at the time of the experiment were healthy, but had contact with their sick siblings.

"none of the cats had no sneezing, no cough, never had a fever and wasn’t weight loss — even if the owner has closely followed his pet, he couldn’t determine what his cat is infected with coronavirus", — quotes AP words of one of the authors of the work published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Peter Halfmann.

The existing recommendations of the Centers for control and prevention of diseases of the U.S. States that, based on currently available information, the risk of transmission of coronavirus from domestic animals to humans is considered low. Veterinarians also have no evidence that Pets can infect their owners, however, scientists at my new job, insist on the need for a detailed study of the possibility of the spread of the coronavirus among people through Pets.