Club Brugge is the First in a bosloop, then you can have the day really get down to business. On a video call with his girl friend, a walk with the dogs and Basile and the Game. One day,...
The players of Schalke 04 follow in the home on a regular schedule, the training program of the club, while on a videocall with one another in a relationship. The Bundesliga club's Benito Raman on Saturday will be...
The colombian supersprinter Fernando Gaviria can finally breathe a sigh of relief. After a month in a hospital in Abu Dhabi, where the UAE Team Emirates-the rider was hospitalized after being tested positive for the coronavirus,...
In times of crisis it's nice and reassuring for the individual to be able to lean on a solid rock. But now begins the even Denmark's largest bank to shake of the hand. In a new...
secured equipment to thousands of coronatest the next 14 days, showing the statement from the Danish Regions. All of the country's five regions will be coming in the next days, up to test 5000 people a...

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