the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has dealt with potential opponents in the upcoming elections of the usual power method. Yesterday the Committee of state control arrested former banker Victor Babariko, which could be his main rival for...
The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin appointed Michael Wagner as the new Deputy head of the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of Telecom, information technologies and mass communications (Roskomnadzor), the relevant document published on...
Because we all have a lot more forest and nature reserves, withdraw, walk away, there are now a lot more dogs on the loose, to the great annoyance of the keepers. Make this easter extra to ensure that dogs...
The economic crisis caused by the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19 is more complex than the crisis of 2008-2009. As reported TASS, said Russian President Vladimir Putin.Today, as reported by the "Rambler", Putin held a meeting on the situation...
Many companies, managers and employees the go. The workplace is shifting forced from office in the own four walls. Who has been working "remotely" - so, for example, only a few Times per month in the office...

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