the Bank of Russia proposed to relieve citizens from the insurance of mortgage payments. This was reported on the website of the Central Bank.According to the developed concept of the Central Bank, the Russians intend to eliminate the need...
Car inspectors caught a lead "let's get married!" Larisa Guzeeva for speeding, according to "Komsomolskaya Pravda". Actress twice in two days broke the rules of the road."I hate just!": Guzeeva - parents-the revelersThe journalists refer to the information provided...
The singer Maxim Leonidov was detained, determined to ask, why delay others. As reported by REN TV, he told himself.Maxim Leonidov detained in St. PetersburgThe day before yesterday, as reported by "the Rambler", Leonidov and his wife actress Alexandra...
Name Marat Basharova has become a household name. Network long been rumored that the actor beat their women, but officially this he never said. On the days Basharov has made a sensational confession - he was really hurt each...
People's artist of Russia Larisa Dolina said that the Russian spectator, in contrast to the us, acting shy and afraid to show his reaction, sitting in the audience. Such a conclusion, given in an interview to the newspaper "Izvestia",...

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