Even when the sun isn't shining, applying sunscreen every day is an absolute must. The face in particular should be protected from dangerous UV rays. Below we present the test winner and other favorites in the facial sunscreen category.Shortly...
In mid-January, the Robert Koch Institute announced that President Lothar Wieler would be reorienting himself professionally. Now it is also clear where exactly he is going: He remains loyal to the healthcare sector and wants to push ahead with...
What is actually the healthiest food in the world? In general, it's not really possible to say that what is super healthy for one person may be bad for another. However, when you look at the vital nutrients they...
The World Health Organization counts millions of deaths every year as a result of infections with resistant germs. Researchers from Sweden are now developing a new spray against it. What makes the killer germs so dangerous.According to the World...
Who doesn't dream of eternal youth? Radiant skin, no wrinkles, functioning joints, an active mind, no age-related diseases - thanks to a new powder, all of this should now be possible: We're talking about NMN.In this article you can...

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