Coronavirus and economic crisis has confused all the cards, even the most eminent astrologers who issued predictions for 2020. A Day of paranormal phenomena, may 3, URA.RU collected the predictions of the most reputable visionaries and compare it with reality (for purity of experiment we will focus only on predictions, made before 1 January 2020). The results are very interesting — modern astrologers have failed the test and this is the explanation.


On December 26 the “First channel” journalist and friend of Vanga Sergei Kostina has unveiled a previously unheard of revelation, referring to “five twos”. It is on 22 February and 22 December 2020, when it had to happen some global events. Literally it sounded so: “the Most dangerous day for the world — the day when in one place will gather five twos”.

But in the news for February 22, you can find posts about the search in the rooms of the Russian biathletes in Italy, the first who died from the coronavirus resident of the European Union, the presidential ambitions of the leader of group “Leningrad” Sergey Shnurov and similar events. In General, either someone made a mistake or the danger has passed unnoticed.

At one time in history were the periods when the plague wiped out huge areas,” said Kostina. On the new coronavirus in China first declared 31 December — much later, as was recorded transmission. However, COVID-19 curable disease and lethality much not up to the plague, which killed tens of millions. Besides behind the scenes are statements of Vanga, pretekla, according to Kostina, the “special growth and well-being of Russia in 2020”. Further clarification could not be obtained — each of Vanga did not answer the call of the correspondent URA.RU.


French sage Nostradamus died in 1566. But, according to the interpreters of his prophecies, foresaw the events of 2020. Here’s a direct quote from his “Centuries”: “a Great plague in the Maritime city will not cease until the death shall be avenged and the blood of the righteous, taken and condemned without a crime, and noble ladies, offended by the sham.” Conspiracy theorists immediately remembered the seafood market in Wuhan, China, where supposedly began to spread the epidemic. Here only the sea from Wuhan is located almost 600 kilometres away.

Commentators of the “Centuries” also promised Russia’s improving economic situation and recovery from the crisis in Russia in 2020. Alas, while the country is in a crisis only included.

Tamara and Pavel Globa

The main Russian astrologer Pavel Globa in December warned the Russians against the dangers 2020 caused by the elements Earth and Water, landslides, rockfalls, typhoons, hurricanes and so on. Possible was also a major disaster for the Railways and the roads.

“The situation in relations with European countries moving towards a good endstatement. Politicians will find common ground, agree on cooperation in different spheres, — promised the Russians in 2020, the former wife of Pavel Globa Tamara. — Will the era of prosperity, well-being and education of the new system of Finance.”

With the prosperity and floods, the question is still open. But the economic disasters and epidemics predictors in the future could not see. Phone Tamara Globa was disabled, her ex-husband for review has asked to submit a written request, but it is still not answered.

Vasilisa Volodina (“let’s get married”)

One of the leading show “let’s get married” became the star of astrological Olympus in 2019, predicted the resignation of the government of the Russian Federation. She promised us this year? “If life was a chewing gum that lost flavor, use in 2020 in order to reach new space and to see other colors, advised Volodina Russians. The life opens the door for each of us. And even if it at first seems exciting and maybe slightly scary, like in a computer game, it is still for her a completely different world. Your new life”.

However, with the beginning of the year, doors began to close one after the other airports, crossing points at land borders and other. In Italy, for foreign tourists they will remain closed at least until the end of the year.

Even more unlike the current situation the continuation of the astrological forecast: “After March 10 will appear strong feeling that life is gaining momentum and getting into a groove with mundane chores, plans, fuss. Life, but, in General, pleasant. Consider what 2020 will really deploy the wings in March.” Trying to figure out what this implies, Volodin told the URA.RU that she “now not to comment.”

Why masters of astrology was wrong?

“As strange as it sounds, but “get to the point” in the individual horoscope is much easier than to make them for the whole country or the whole world. Easier to predict financial problems or the threat of illness to one person than the fall in currency exchange rates or a planetary plague, explained URA.RU astrologer Maria Graf. — For thousands of years of existence humanity has formed for themselves such a habitat, that the result of the impact of external factors on it by orders of magnitude less predictable than, say, in Ancient Egypt. Masters with their experiences allow themselves to risk, but personally I would not dare”.

“The most attentive astrologers may have associated the conjunction of Sun and Jupiter 27-28 December 2019 with the information, which is December 31, reported China who. The sun highlighted what exactly the limitations we have to deal, — says the astrologer Natalia Koliada. But for these astrological insights needed good powers of observation, and a very wealthy astrologers��esky experience and excellent intuition. I do not recall one of his colleagues, who in December would make any predictions about the pandemic. And now we are all back mind are strong, including me.”