the Turkish newspaper Sabah claims that fruit from the citrus family, known as the kumquat, also called decorative Mandarin, or Golden orange, is able to stop cancer. On Sunday, August 16, according to RIA Novosti.

According to the newspaper, the fruit of the kumquat is necessary to take people with weak immunity who are sick with the flu and seasonal viral diseases. Fruit plants are also useful for the gastrointestinal tract. But the main feature of the fetus — slow down the development of cancer. Due to the large amount of flavonoids contained in fruit, it can make the body more resistant to carcinogens that contribute to the increase of tumors.

Also, the kumquat contains large amounts of calcium that helps strengthen bones and prevents the appearance of wrinkles, acne and age spots. This fruit is recommended to be consumed with the peel, as well as to make a jam and a marmalade.

on 14 August it was reported that associate Professor of dietetics and nutrition form Russian national research medical University named after N. And. Pirogov Alfred Bogdanov revealed to the Russians the secret of good night.