Introduction to the daily diet this product is available in the summer as swerea herbs, has beneficial effects on the body.

according to nutritionist Anna Elkina, greens will help to fight aging, inflammatory disorders, disorders of the digestive system and can improve heart health and even prevent cancer development.

“a Cup of leafy greens makes the brain younger than 11 years, prevents the mental decline that comes with age. Greens are rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins A, C, E, and K In green foods contain vitamin K1 or phylloquinone. He is responsible for protection of bones from osteoporosis and prevents inflammatory diseases,” said the nutritionist.

She, in particular, recommends to include in the daily diet of spinach, parsley, Basil, celery, arugula, Kale, broccoli and mint.

Anna Elkina said that the dark green leaves and vegetables contain small amount of calories and carbohydrates and have low glycemic index. And the fiber present in large quantities in green vegetables, helps control weight and maintain intestinal health.

“Dark, leafy greens contain b vitamin or folate, which affects the heart health and also protects from the development of cancer,” adds Anna Elkina.