the New literary work of ex-President and writer will continue the first book of sponsors “the President has disappeared”, which was released in June 2018 and immediately became the leader of sales. The main character of the book – the US President, discovered the traitor in the entourage, had to go underground to protect the country from devastating cyber attacks.

the Second novel will continue to tell about the difficult share of presidents, even former. This time the intrigue is based around the kidnapping of the daughter of the former President. According to The Guardian, to achieve maximum realism, the authors will help Clinton’s daughter Chelsea. Moreover, the publisher announces that the book will be details that could only know the President.

In his address to readers of bill Clinton thanked them for their interest in the first book. “I believe readers will enjoy “the President’s Daughter” exactly the same as I like to work on this book,” he said.

And James Patterson just called the joint work with Clinton “key to career”.

Former US President bill Clinton and the author of several popular science and memoir pieces. His debut novel “the President has disappeared”, written together with James Patterson, and autobiography “My life” became a bestseller around the world.

Novelist James Patterson is known around the world as the recognized master of detective stories and thrillers. Writing in his piggy Bank more than 130 works. His first novel, “along came a spider” was published in 1993.