KVN team from Belarus “Children Turing” refused to continue playing in the Russian top League 2020. An insurmountable obstacle for comedians from BSU was the venue of the quarter — finals of Crimea.

The refusal of the team justified by three reasons mentioned in the video posted in “Vkontakte”. First, was named by the coronavirus.

Belarusians as you probably know, won coronavirus, but it is only within their own country. The rest of the world is still a raging pandemic, so the move between countries quite difficult, — explained in the record.

The second reason is named the status of Crimea. The team captain said that his country adheres to neutrality on the issue of ownership of the Peninsula, so to get back to “Children of Turing” is possible only through Ukraine. It is difficult, again due to the coronavirus. The road through Russia the Belarusians consider to be unacceptable, because the team members have relatives in Ukraine, and to enter there after the WHC, they have not been able from getting blacklisted.

Was almost the same and the third reason is the Belarusian University has partners among educational institutions of Ukraine and in Crimea could be broken, considered in the team.

The “Children Turing” reported that he had received the guarantee of return to the Higher League of KVN in the next season.

Earlier reported that the rest is overloaded with tourists Crimea during a pandemic may be extremely dangerous. This was stated by former chief sanitary doctor of Russia and state Duma Deputy Gennady Onishchenko. According to him, the Peninsula along with the southern regions of the Russian Federation can become a place where the flash new source of infection of the coronavirus. He added that the Russian authorities should reduce the “pressure” to the resorts of the Crimea and Kuban.