In a student environment, there are rumors that with the new school year instead of lectures at MSU will be a computer game. As the pioneer of such substitution is made by the philosophy faculty, has allegedly created a virtual Plato, who will take the exam in a dialogue mode with the student.

True or fantasy, engendered by the long remote control, “MK” found out at the faculty.

to Talk about innovation, agreed senior researcher at the philosophical faculty of Moscow state University, Deputy head of the Department of philosophy of language and communication Alexander Segal.

– Play lectures one is going: these games simply do not yet exist. Our task is to invent them.

– until recently we called the online game evil, warning the youth from gaming addiction. And now translate to the format of the game higher education?!

– There is a famous phrase: a knife in the hands of the criminal takes a life, and in the hands of a surgeon saves. That’s how the game is stultifying, and can teach and educate. The game is one of the main ways of formation of intelligence. Playing, a person perceives the reality. Or Vice versa – leaving in a dream world. And our goal is to help ensure that young people have chosen the first path.

In our history and culture – a great number of excellent stories that can be created exciting games: Afanasy Nikitin “journey beyond three seas”, Ivan IV and the oprichnina, Peter the great and the Northern war of Bering expedition, Przhevalsky, Miklukho-Maklaya, open Antarctica, the Napoleonic wars.

the Game is always a story, a story, a language, that causality and logic. And all of this, anyway, is included in the scope of the research philosophical disciplines. So why not use the results of our scientific research for the formation of logical thinking, the real idea of the history, material and spiritual culture, the exact Sciences?

they Say that even your Dean will be in the jury of game developers…

– Our Dean, Professor Vladimir Mironov, has long been mooted about the creation of a course in the history of philosophy in a playful way. Agree that the “dialogues” of Plato are much more interesting and user friendly, if they involve you and Plato. Talked to him properly, showed that the knowledge – go to Aristotle, then more… The same thing can be done in the course of social philosophy, designing certain models of future societies.

Philosophy and the academic environment as a whole comes into contact with the industry, which in Russia has a turnover of 2 billion, but in the world of 140 billion dollars. And philosophy the first saw game is a new and fundamentally important cultural tool, the mediator and the mirror of modernity. It is a form of modeling the future and form of teaching strategies.

But why the developers decided to raise a new Russian footage is not among technicians and among the philosophers?

– Not among philosophers, but with the philosophers. Philosophy is a concentrated expression of culture, this is the logic, the methodology of knowledge production. The game requires serious examination in the first place cultural, conceptual. And who better than philosophers to do?

– do your students know what a speech about a promising profession, but not about “games instead of lectures”?

the Students say “it’s cool”. And Yes, the prospects of the gaming segment of intellectual production know students, teachers, and researchers. And the Russian academic environment together with the developers and the games industry on the shoulder to achieve our common goals, to make Russian educational, informative, educational and entertaining game confidently entered the top 10 in the world in three years.