Astronomers in Chile have discovered dancing star predicted by Einstein

MOSCOW, April 17 – RIA Novosti. The European southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile with one of the world’s most powerful telescopes opened a “dancing” star, the possible existence of a near black holes for more than 100 years ago predicted by albert Einstein.

the General theory of relativity presented in 1915, claimed that the orbits in which one object revolves around another, does not have to be closed, as in Newtonian mechanics. Star discovered by astronomers in the center of the milky way in accordance with the prediction describes the orbit, resembling a flower, not a classic ellipse.

As stated in the communiqué of the Observatory, discovered this unusual orbit of the star, which revolves around “the compact radio source”, known as Sagittarius A*.

“This breakthrough observation confirms the evidence that Sagittarius A* must be a supermassive black hole with a mass 4 million times the mass of the Sun,” said Reinhard Genzel, Director of the German Institute for extraterrestrial physics max Planck and one of the founders of the program of observations of the Observatory.

the statement also notes that the remote from the Sun for 26 thousand light years, the object Sagittarius A* and the dense cluster of stars around it provided scientists a unique laboratory to test physical phenomena in a previously unexplored regime of extreme gravity.