A family of many families, it is the time to get used to a lot of parents have to work a little longer at home, while the kids in the background, moving about. Children asking to be entertained, or teenagers who need to study. Not an easy combination. Therefore, we combined the staff journalists of NINA’s editorial staff for their best tips to get your kids in the next few days and weeks, more than ever before. The more good advice you will find in the onzethuisblijfgids.

Your children are on time, and was to be read, it is not always easy to make. However, it is during the first few years of elementary school vastly important to quickly learn how to read, and would like to do.
do you Have a child that will be an extra push in the right direction is needed in order to read a book in the hand? You can leesbingokaartjes fixed to help. The creative ways in which it can be read and encourage even reluctant readers to get back with a good book.