August 10 the star celebrates its anniversary. “WG” offers to remember the 5 best roles of Antonio Banderas.

the Role of Nestor Castillo in the film adaptation of the novel by Pulitzer prize winner Oscar Hijuelos became the first English-language work of Antonio Banderas. “The Mambo kings” newbie Arna Glimcher talks about the cult of style Mambo that swept post-war America. Cuban musicians Cesar (Armand Assante) and Nestor Castillo come to new York to conquer the US with his talent. In a sense, this story is no different from the many films about the ways to fame. However, the picture “the Mambo Kings” is so atmospheric, filled with energy, passion and vitality that story, of course, seems original.

In the center of the plot – the story of two vigilantes hiding under the mask of Diego De La VEGA (Anthony Hopkins) and Alejandro Murietta (Antonio Banderas). Fate brings the elderly Diego, who spent 20 years in prison, with the young bandit Alejandro. The old man decides to make a young person a new Zorro who will be able to repulse the main villain. It is impossible not to admire a rousing game Antonio Banderas. In the form of a bold and impetuous robber, turned into a noble aristocrat, the actor added to its inherent charm and Spanish passion that captivated the audience.

Antonio Banderas once again turned to the image of El Mariachi, played in the final film of the trilogy of Robert Rodriguez’s “Once in Mexico”. Throughout the film flying bullets, bloodshed and a growing number of victims. In the action involved star cast: johnny Depp, Mickey Rourke, Eva Mendes, Salma Hayek, Enrique Iglesias, and Danny Trejo. The confrontation takes place between Barillo drug Lord (Willem Dafoe) and El Mariachi, who is trying to stop the villain to overthrow the President of Mexico. Bold Banderas looks like something Clint Eastwood in spaghetti westerns.

In this tape Almodovar he not only anxiously monitoring the development of the plot, but – with the filing of the Director – focuses on the perverse mentality of plastic surgeon Dr. Ledgard (Antonio Banderas). He is considered a genius in the industry, and he specializiruetsya on the creation and transplantation of artificial skin. The narcissist is secretly a scientist conducts experiments on a young woman named Vera (Elena Anaya), trying to sculpt her body from their ideal. Almodóvar teases the viewer with the truth about the past of Faith, which makes the denouement all the more exciting.

In this multi-layered and rich pattern, characteristic of Pedro Almodovar, Antonio Banderas shows his best in recent years an acting job. He played the role of a Director of El Salvador Mallo, who, experiencing personal and creative crisis, looking back on his life. This picture recognize the autobiographical tape Almodovar. In her hitausa events in the life of a Director: a scattering of memories of childhood, held in Madrid, first love, the beginning of their professional career, victories and defeats.