Actress Ellen Hillingsø is always in doubt, and she appears as a gift. For the benefit of the doubt keeps her curious and open to new opportunities.

Which of your traits do you love more?

“My eternal doubt in myself. It does, I will never take anything for granted. I rest, so to say never on our laurels. The rears also, if you put on them. And so I take anything for granted. Never ever.”

What have the doubts brought about?

“I’m always in motion in one way or another. I think the fact that it is good. Sometimes it can of course be stressful with the thoughts like: ‘Oh no, is it now good enough, now, am I good enough?’.”

“But the good thing about doubt is that it works as a motor. And I’m also extremely curious. And it is actually a smaddergod combination and something, I in fact really happy. It is very much about not to take anything for granted and to remain open. Open to criticism, open to possibilities and open for, that things may look in a different way.”

“Though I use it always to lead me even further. I position myself on the opposite side, and thinking: ‘What if? Could it not be the opposite? What if it is wrong? What if they will not it? Let’s try something completely different’.”

“You may call it doubt, or you can call it curiosity, but it ensures that I am open. And it is incredibly important, for you never know where truth comes from. You never know who’s going with the redeeming word of god.” the

What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

“The main lesson is probably that everything goes over; ‘this too shall pass’. I saw this guy, a DJ, who had gotten it done as a tattoo, because his mother had written it on a piece of paper to him. And it is just as accurate and is applicable in child rearing, in crises, in the successes, when you are sad, and when you are happy. In fact, just always.”

“Everything is, so to speak, in stages and is changing all the time. You can not retain anything in the whole world. Not your youth, not your sadness, not your happiness, not your success, not your failure. All life is in constant motion.”

What do you hope to give your own children with on the road?

“There are so many things that I would like to provide them with the on. But most of all, I hope that they felt loved. That they feel loved. For it is lack of love that leads to war, destruction and a constant completely insane consumption.”

“So I really hope for them that they have felt and feel loved. And that they have the courage and strength to love both themselves and others. For it must be the foundation in the man. And what I would fucking like to provide them with the on. So we can talk about the good manners afterwards for it here, it is ‘the essence’.”

published in cooperation with Alt For Damerne.