One of the Russian banks prepared a proposal that bankers have a right to deduct fees from client accounts, which are not contacted. As passport and other identification data of these people can’t update, now the credit organizations deprived of the opportunity to receive money even for card maintenance. Offer going included under the “regulatory guillotine” of the Central Bank. Of course, any benefit to consumers, rather elusive individual persons, in this case there is no question.

the thing is that according to the AML / CFT law (Bank of Russia regulation No. 499-P), domestic credit institutions are required to update data on account holders at least once a year. Now while the information is not updated, they may only be able to accept and Deposit money into the account. If the person does not respond to calls from the Bank, if nothing is known about him, any other operations are de jure impossible, because there is no appropriate consent from the client. You have to fill up the delay that hurts the interests of both parties: the Bank should allocate some reserves at a loss, and the “sleeping” user accumulated debt on which penalty interest.

the Number of such problematic accounts is growing from year to year. In fact, banks under the current legislative standards are forced to abandon the money owed them from customers. The “regulatory guillotine” of the Central Bank aimed at improving and, in many ways, the simplification of the regulatory framework of the financial market. To understand all the intricacies and subtleties of this sphere difficult even for specialists.

the Work of credit institutions must comply with the AML / CFT law. If they are not annually to update customer data, will be followed by penalties from regulatory bodies, says the head of analytical Department AMarkets Artem Deev. However, according to him, the right to deduct fees from the accounts carries certain risks for the Russians, and the Central Bank before approving the initiative of banks will surely take them into account. First, you need a simple refund mechanism in case of an error (for example, if the funds were debited for the full namesake). Second, it requires the criteria by which the regulator will monitor whether the Bank tried to contact the customer. Finally, you need a large-scale educational work with clients: not everyone knows exactly what personal information the Bank will need if you will undergo some changes.

Banks operate in line with its own logic and, in General, act reasonably, says senior analyst of “Finam” Sergey Drozdov. In the contract spelled out the Commission for account servicing, and here ��’s not important, forget the client about his account or something else happened. It is clear that credit institutions are required to try to contact the man, but if he does not respond, what could be to her questions?

In former times there were cases when banks, introducing additional Commission, without warning, cheated amounts from customers ‘ accounts. Of course, this is absolutely wrong, but now it is almost not practiced, and banks are trying to remind you about the task service credit at least SMS notifications.

According to Drozdova, he would have introduced for borrowers conditional warning period of three months, after which it will be possible to write off the money without consent. People may, for example, is in hospital in serious condition, and it theoretically should be sufficient.

“as for the argument as a fraud, for me it is unconvincing – said Drozdov. – Usually on “dormant accounts” are a very small amount, hardly anyone has “forgotten” them millions of rubles. However, if it is the owner of state of hundreds of millions of rubles, then that’s different. But such a little.”

According to financial analyst FxPro Alexander kuptsikevich companies, if the Bank has no current phone number or an updated passport data, they have not enjoyed the services of credit organizations. Now accounts accrue interest and penalties, but to collect them is not easy. Banks also want to simplify this process for yourself. And all the talk that the measure will go to people on benefits – no more than a deceit.