So it can’t go on, the whole AfD is going down the drain, it takes a radical cut? You could smooth get the idea, Jörg Meuthen, the front man of the party, had read a study by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), as he recommended of his party in the last week, the radical “wing” to Björn Höcke from the Rest of the party to separate.

Now, it is quite unlikely that Meuthen is based on the idea of a CDU-affiliated Foundation. It is even less likely that he gets unpublished papers of KAS. And it is completely unreasonable that he’s doing the same analyses as the researcher Tobias Monday. He does not, in the end. In one point, however, is a Consensus: The “wings” make the party for large parts of the population unelectable.

AfD with “wings”: brownish, but not bourgeois

Since a few weeks the protection of the Constitution takes the “wings” to the visor, because the authority “backed right-wing extremist aspirations” recognizes that are directed against the free democratic basic order. And the carefully gehätschelte self-image of the entire AfD, your “bourgeois narrative”, as Monday is called into question. You could also say this: An AfD, in the Höcke a crucial place, is brownish, but not civil.

In the KAS paper, “breaking the wing”, the FOCUS is Online exclusive, party researchers Monday, the demand of the AfD-tip from the 20. In March, the “wings” should dissolve itself, in the view. Conclusion: “The claim by the AfD Federal Executive Board in accordance with resolution of the ‘wing’ is not credible as long as the influential representatives of the Federal Executive.”

distancing from the “wings” unbelievable

Finally, the “wing” is not a free-flying Formation, which is independent of the other Parts of the party on the road. The AfD delegates continued until the end of 2019, at the election of your new leadership, remarkable character. You punished “important Board of management of moderate members,” helped radical leaders such as Andreas Kalbitz for re-election and got more “Flügelianer” reminds new in the national Executive Committee, Monday. “Wings”-people are no characters half out on the edge, but in the middle of the AfD. Faction leader Alexander Gauland even said it months ago even similar.

Phoenix Alexander Gauland, Chairman of the AfD group in the Bundestag

And so the party, researchers at the KAS also holds the claim of the party leadership to the “wings”, the network may break up, for a purely tactical maneuver. A credible distancing themselves from the Radicals in the party would have to “beat the Federal Board down,” says Monday.

the rift between the AfD-East-and -West

Long ago, a crack goes through the party, and has a pattern that is for the party to be dangerous: “The intra-party conflict between Moderates and Radicals, between Opening for a participation in Government, and the fundamental opposition sorting itself increasingly between the East and the West,” writes Monday. In the Landtag elections in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia, the AfD triumphed in the previous year. She seemed to grow inexorably. Since many AfDler felt as strong as ever. But: “The election in Hamburg in February 2020, however, showed their limits and had an idea of how difficult the West ,the expansion could not be in the AfD, if it solves the “Radical question””, so it is in the analysis.

And an AfD, which can’t handle even the often requested “unit”, can’t play the game “We against the Rest” of the world credible. Monday says it this way: The “populist logic eroded”.

While tight right to the success of the AfD Occur transported to the East, in the West, it is exactly Vice versa. “There, the insight is increasingly accepted that open radicalism is undermining the electoral chances,” writes the KAS expert. In a time in which the Corona-crisis eats up the attention of the Public, the AfD so tactically in a cul-de-SAC.

“wings”-matadors as Höcke and Kalwitz have asserted that their group pulls back. All signals from this corner suggest, however, that the Only thing that disappears at the end, perhaps, should be the Name of “wings”.

Meuthen want to get out of the tactical cul-de-SAC

The AfD-Chairman Meuthen as it appears, is the tactical and strategic problems, which brings exactly this complex situation. He fears that the reputation of his party irreparably down the drain, and the AfD for the people, as he puts it, “is bourgeois camp” is definitely unelectable. So Meuthen has thought now a step further. He now calls for the “amicable separation” of the “wings” and the Rest. From a party of two.

The majority of the party-list celebrities has dismissed Meuthens advance, and although gruff and aggressive. The AfD together. The Name “wing” could disappear, the “wings of spirit” but it is not.

Attempts to “save the civic” credibility

this is the situation in the party remains to Meuthens advance as KAS expert Monday rating in his analysis: to save The “civil” credibility, “not easier, if the East-West recessed trench in the party”. Höckes maneuver around the Prime Minister election in Thuringia was doing the Rest.

Over the years, the rise of the AfD seemed to be unstoppable. No resources of the other parties seemed to act. “Neither decomposed by itself” yet “could be removed, their issues and voters,” writes Monday. The Corona-crisis strengthens but now the government and the parties in power. “The AfD, which could be up to now, the public attention is always safe, and penetrates less.”

so Now, the conclusion of the researcher, could threaten the AfD “for the first time, a real danger”. “The citizens expect the government to overcome the current crisis; who engages her in the wheel will be punished.”

With a view to this analysis, an uncertainty that is just like a sign in front of a lot of political considerations, the following applies: no one knows how Germany emerges from the Corona of a crisis. It is quite possible that the AfD will soon tender as the party of the “victim-understander”, if citizens get serious consequences of the pandemic are felt. The prospects of success of such a strategy is likely to be only in a few months to assess. “That would actually be a Job”: Green Baerbock shoots sharply against Altmaier, FOCUS Online/Wochit “That would actually be a Job”: Green Baerbock shoots sharply against Altmaier