100 days survived Vietnam without a single infected with a coronavirus. So the other day on one of the main resorts of Vietnam, da Nang has recorded a new outbreak, as local media reported, more aggressive type of coronavirus. About the situation we told the blogger Dmitri, living in da Nang according to him, the infection brought Chinese migrants.

on the night of 28 July, the city introduced the mode of increased readiness: the border shut, air travel is banned, shops and restaurants are closed, people are recommended without the need not to leave the apartment, tourists from other regions of Vietnam urgently evacuated home.

Dmitry (@kochevnik_v_puti), who lives in Danang and is engaged in the development of tourism in Vietnam, informed us that that might be contagious to the resort could clandestine migrants.

In the media there was information that in Vietnam revealed a more dangerous strain of the virus. Is this true?

the New strain of the virus, which was discovered in da Nang, in fact, already manifested itself in Bangladesh, the UK, Ireland. In Vietnam, the strain is still not fully explored, but all the features it matches what is already found in a number of countries. This type of virus is not more dangerous than the previous, it just spreads quickly.

Where it came from you, if the country is closed?

– the Vietnam Border is really closed. Tourists from other countries to get here can’t. According to official data, it happened because here organized traffic of illegal migration from China. People went to work for us. In the end, caught 70 migrants from China, who somehow crossed the border and brought the virus.

you Have talked about this in the news?

– Yes, we talked. When revealed the first infected, he immediately filed charges.

How caught of migrants?

– First of all diagnosed the infection in a 57-year-old local resident. The doctors were shocked – where did the coronavirus? Began to learn who had any contact with the man. At first he concealed the information, they say, do not know in contact with anybody did not enter. It later emerged that he was involved in migrant smuggling, as I was involved in this case. Here he became the first and charged. Then, apparently, on his tip-have revealed several contact.

When it came to light, organized search of illegal immigrants. Found 70 people, among whom were infected. Now in Vietnam there are 15 infected patients, 14 of them in our city, one of the neighboring province. In two days, security officials have calculated all with whom they came in contact with. They are all under the supervision of physicians and special services. The city imposed quarantine measures.

In Russia, this is even hard to imagine that two days have revealed the whole chain…

– When it is at the expense of thousands of infected, not will track kaeduu history of the patient. It is necessary to identify patients with small numbers. Therefore, in Vietnam, the results of anti-coronavirus is one of the best in the world. We are in the top countries who COVID-19 deal more knowledgeably than others.

infected If charged, they can be put?

– I Think they will take serious action. In Viet Nam still carried out the death penalty when it comes to drugs. So these guys threaten serious consequences, because they jeopardized the whole country. Of is unlikely to come down.

“every patient is a separate case”

– What is the situation in the city?

– a Feature of the country is that outbreaks of coronavirus trying to extinguish immediately, the authorities do not allow the infection to spread. For example, during the first wave, when we have showed only 3-5 infected, the locals immediately sent to the isolation, the authorities have set up roadblocks on the roads, checked the apartment, identified contacts infected. For each patient was conducted a separate case – this is a unique practice.

As it was conducted in a separate case?

– for Example, as soon as the identify of the patient with positive status COVID-19, the security forces immediately, thoroughly monitor by the minute all the places where he was infected the previous two weeks, whom I had met, talked, crossed. The higher mathematics. Just act now.

the result is now the contact had accumulated 14 thousand?

Yes, insulated 14 thousand people that somehow could interact with fourteen patients with confirmed cowed.

– And the whole town is closed again?

– we are not just cordoned off the city, and everywhere put the posts, carefully check the movement of people – who is where he is going or coming. Shops and restaurants were closed, work only pharmacies and supermarkets.

– no breaks mode?

– In this regard, the Vietnamese – well done. All wear masks, the streets empty. No one is breaking the law. We hope that, through this behavior, the second is the flash able quickly to win as the previous one. In any case, there are prerequisites for this.

– How many days have all closed?

– In the night from 27 to 28 July kerf mode of lockdown, which will last for two weeks.

To live normal?

– the Second wave came rapidly. The first lockdown ended over 100 days ago. For three months we have not identified any new sick. We lived in peace. Crunched popcorn and watched the development of events in the world. Anyone here not allowed. Vietnam has completely closed its borders, the country was accessible only via a 14-day quarantine on a business visa.

“No matter one believes in virus or not but your mask on”

Now a strict prohibition to go out there?

– no Ban. Understand, it’s a bit different mentality. The system of prohibitions doesn’t work. But if there are recommendations that people do not need to force, to convince, to send troops, the people understand. If we go outside without a mask, 90 percent of the Vietnamese themselves will you to take pictures, and the pictures spread on the Internet. Are all conscious.

– now without strict bans, everyone sat in their homes?

– as soon As it became aware of the contamination, immediately all got home. And over the past two days of quarantine, in the city of new infected not exposed.

– Yes, you have orders of magnitude better than in China…

– Much cooler. It is necessary to understand the history of Vietnam. People living with serious potential enemy at hand, with the same China. Therefore, they are in a state of readiness always.

Penalties for violation of the regime have also not introduced?

– No, of course. What are the penalties? Maybe on paper somewhere, and prescribed penalties, but in reality to recover from violators nothing will. I watched, when I finished the first stage of the lockdown, people were out for a jog. Bans, then did not enter, has received only recommendation is to keep your distance and more than two people to assemble. If the police noticed a large group on the street, people quietly approached, made comments, and the people obediently went without any penalties. In Vietnam the special relationship between the government and the people. The government will not spoil relations with people. Remember the story when the government tried to introduce one anti-national act. The next day, all the Vietnamese from 5 to 80 years old out on the street, without any propaganda, any opposition. People just got up and left. By evening, the law “rolled” back. But it so, lyrical digression.

Want to say that in all mnogomillionnoi the city, no one who will ignore the recommendations?

– Frostbitten guys, of course, there are the crime is like around the world, just much less than in other countries. The Vietnamese are trying to respect the law, authority and, most importantly, each other. No matter one believes in the existence of the virus or not, but the mask on.

“When the temperature will not ask, just make a test”

– what is the situation with medicine in Vietnam?

– I live in Vietnam 5 years. During this time, medicine has stepped forward. Of course free medicine is very different from paid. The first is pretty mediocre. But pay at the highest level. However, the prices there bite, it is available not for everyone.

Tests for COVID-19 you can do yourself?

– If you go to the clinic with fever, you even will not ask, right SDEbark test.

the Vietnamese don’t panic about the second wave?

– every year washes away, we are experiencing hurricanes, in the history of the country people are used to disasters, to ruin, to wars. So the story of the coronavirus perceive with humour, anxiety and panic does not even smell.

deaths were registered?

In Vietnam, there was not one death from the coronavirus. We are a top country in this sense. So weird when the whole world is screaming, Ah, the horror in Vietnam, 14 of thousands of cases over the two days revealed. Although actually infected with only 14 people, the other only the contact, not the fact that they have the virus confirmed. Much worse is another story. In Viet Nam, it still remained Russians who can not fly away. Everyone forgot about them.

– Isn’t all stuck still taken?

– This story is not about stuck, but about those who are working in the field of tourism, met the Russians, had. When the pandemic began, they were unwanted and thrown out, without a livelihood, people in poverty, starving and wander. They shouldn’t die of hunger, they are fed Vietnamese businesses, they buy potatoes, carrots. Our poor countrymen are removed on the photo, video as they take assistance is shameful.

– But was export flights?

he was, but the tickets cost from 400 to 700 dollars. The people who live here, families remained without work, could not afford to buy tickets. And there are hundreds of people. Assistance from the state, too, they are not entitled because they were not here as tourists, and worked.

what do they live?

– out somehow. The majority has no money, help some relatives from Russia. As far as I know, one man is now in hospital with dystrophy. APB situation, but do not write about it in the press.

we have all forgotten that somewhere left of the Russians?

– Indeed, all was forgotten. And people, meanwhile, don’t know where to turn, who to ask for help.