In Russia, are working on a top-secret missile capable of destroying satellites in orbit. This was written by The National Interest. As evidence are the unknown Russian rocket. Supposedly? this missile system with shock microsatellites. Carrier and the first step to launch them, allegedly, will be a high-altitude fighter-interceptor MiG-31. The expert explained “MK” whether Russia is preparing to become the owner of the new rocket.

Journalists of The National Interest, based on research known abroad journalist Bart Hendrix, say, Russia is already testing a new missile-killer satellites.

as evidence, they cite the photo, Dating back to 2018. It was made in Zhukovsky during a training flight in the Russian Flight research Institute named after Gromov.

“the photograph you can see a few flying “MiGs” probably the MiG-31BM (exactly the same you are a carrier of hypersonic missiles “Dagger”. – “MK”). One on the fuselage is fixed a strange black missile – it is a smaller “Dagger”, but it is absolutely not similar to the rockets of class “air-air” or “air-surface”. Obviously, the Russians have created a new weapon,” the article says.

the Publication concludes: the photographs of recent tests of anti-satellite missiles. According to the author, she is a carrier of micro – satellites that, like a suicide rush to the enemy satellite and remove it from the system. They mention the missile defense complex A-235 and a rocket “Nudol”.

American experts seriously frightened that Russia is serious about strengthening its space Arsenal. And it happened when the United States plans to substantially upgrade its satellite constellation.

–I Hasten to disappoint American journalists – this is no “Nudol” and not an anti-satellite missile – said “MK” military expert Alexei Leonov. – Most likely, this educational model. But Americans are deliberately doing this “horror story”. The fact that the missile “Nudol” – a project of the mobile missile defense system. It is designed primarily to destroy ballistic missiles in the priority – Intercontinental. It has a thermonuclear charge. And with his help, by the way, you can destroy satellites, if to reprogram the missile and throw it as close as possible to orbit. But its power is such that it will sweep away everything that turned up in the blast radius.

the expert reminded that in the 80s in the Soviet Union worked to create not just missiles, killer satellites, and the whole system.

–In response to American system of missile ASAT was created by a special radar-optical complex “Crown”, explained Leonov. He had to control thousands of space��of such objects could define their position and even variety. It was assumed that at the command of this “Crown” rose modified MiG-31D, armed with a rocket “Contact”. Here she was ASAT, had to destroy them with a direct hit. But the project start in life and has not received – in the 90s it was closed.

as for the current supposedly anti-satellite missile, which saw the photographs of American journalists, the expert is unequivocal in conclusion: it’s fiction.

–They do it for the sake of more funding for their military programs. Let me remind you: the US is investing huge money in preparation for the launch of the updated layered constellation of satellites. And the extra money they need. And Russophobia is sold. That the United States deliberately and run the “misinformation” that the wallets as much as possible opened. The calculation is simple – to put pressure on the Congress so that he didn’t ask a lot of questions and new queries were only given “good” – summed up Lenkov.

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