is a Leading American expert in the field of public health Anthony Fauci, warned that a global outbreak of coronavirus can be as bad as the pandemic of “Spanish flu” of 1918. Moreover, the expert called it “the mother of all pandemics”.

Such a comparison Fauci, most likely, will not like the White house. After all, the pandemic of 1918 led to the fact that about 500 million people worldwide contracted the disease, considered the most deadly strain of the flu virus in history.

According to various estimates the virus has killed 20 to 50 million people. The doctor is afraid that history may repeat itself.

Faced with growing attacks from Donald trump and White house officials, Fauci, on Tuesday, July 14, held an online conversation about the pandemic coronavirus and its risks for young people, with students at Georgetown University in Washington, The Guardian reports.

“we Have a serious situation here in the United States,” – said the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and infectious diseases of the United States, speaking at the online event.

the Expert also warned the students that young people should not be “part of the problem” if you don’t follow the restrictive measures imposed on the country against the backdrop of coronavirus.

“There is a clear situation where a young person might say: “You know, according to statistics, the chances that I’ll get in trouble, contracted, at times less than at the older man, noted Fauci. – I say this with some trepidation because I don’t blame anyone and I think people do it innocently. They don’t want to be part of the problem, but unintentionally being”.

the Main infectious diseases of the United States noted that he understands the temptation of youth “to drink “Margarita” in the crowd”, but warned: to get the pandemic under control means that you do not allow yourself to get infected, and you don’t spread the virus among others.

Meeting with the students in an online format – this is one example of how a senior official of public health Anthony Fauci, who in recent weeks has been forbidden to appear in the major media, find other ways to appeal to the public.

last week, the expert told the Financial Times that he had “the reputation of a man who always tells the truth and not embellish things,” which, in his opinion, may complicate relations with President trump and other White house officials.

the Expert also stressed that he had not seen an American leader since the beginning of June and for several months had not informed him about the epidemiological situation in the country.

While the White house has repeatedly tried to discredit Fauci in the public eye, spreading a list of his statements made in the media massively�� information deemed was incorrect.

the tramp on Monday, July 13, insisted that “personally” he likes Fauci, stressing: “I find him a very good person. But I don’t always agree with him”.

White house officials also deny attempting to tarnish the reputation of the chief infectious diseases specialist of the country. Press Secretary of the President, Kaylee Makineni, strongly rejected the assertion that the trump was circulated in the media of the “opposition research” and other scandalous information to be used for political purposes, on their own official.

“We have not given journalists the opposition report, we answered some very specific questions that are set before us: the Washington Post asked that the President has indicated that Dr. Fauci made mistakes, and we responded to what we asked for,” explained Makinano.

it is Noteworthy that the supporters of the trump, and anti-government groups have accused Anthony Fauci, who has worked with every US President since Ronald Reagan, that he is part of the “deep state” conspiracy against the American leader.

However, despite all attacks, a scholar and expert in the field of health has a higher approval rating among Americans than the members of the administration. So, the New York Times poll showed that 67% of respondents believe that as a specialist to cope with an outbreak of the coronavirus. At the same time, only 26% are listening on this issue to Donald Trump.

in addition, recent polls show that three out of five Americans believe that the proliferation threat of the pandemic will continue, and “the worst is yet to come”.

still in the US, the coronavirus has infected approximately 3.4 million people, more than 138 thousand of them died. The number of cases is currently growing in 37 U.S. States.