LH2573 from Barcelona to Munich is not a regular flight. It will only take place on Thursday (October 27th). The aircraft used shows that it is special.

Lufthansa flies between the Catalan and Bavarian capitals with a long-haul aircraft, the Airbus A350 with the registration D-AIXL.

Lufthansa brings FC Bayern back from Barcelona with the A350. Mané, Müller, Pavard and Co. defeated the local club 3-0 there the night before in the Champions League group phase.

Airline sponsor of Munich is actually Qatar Airways. However, as an airline from outside the EU, it is not allowed to fly within Europe.

This article was written by Stefan Eiselin

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The original of this article “Instead of Qatar Airways: FC Bayern travels with Lufthansa in a special plane” comes from aeroTelegraph.