Sharp going to work, says the candidate of psychological Sciences Faith Yanyshev, can affect the psychological state of the person and cause psychosomatic “ailments”. “A lot of people to the isolation worked in very tough conditions, with large loads, reaching the state of emotional burnout, or chronic fatigue syndrome, she explained “RG”. – At home, these employees walked in a relaxed pace, changing the course of a day, and diet, and not restoring their emotional health.”

To transition to office life was painless, the psychologist advises readers “RG” tune to make the work, writing the order of the day and upcoming week and even a month. It is important to highlight the advantages of office work. “Think of the meetings with colleagues, pleasant communication. Think of the opportunities for professional growth, – says Vera Yanyshev. – Still discuss all the cons out loud until you feel better.”

the Heads of the psychologist recommends that you configure the team to the positive, conducting online workshops and training seminars. It is not excluded that to get back to the office want not all. “It can be a valuable resource, so I advise the management to negotiate with them, and if necessary to consider further cooperation in online regime”,-Yanyshev says.

the office Staff, she notes, do not lose attention to their health, because the risk of Contracting coronavirus still remains.