In Italy, archaeologists conducting excavations in the ancient Etruscan city of Vulci, discovered a previously unknown burial of the child, which was a lot of valuable ritual objects.

according to Archaeology News Network: archaeological discovery was made during work in the necropolis of Casaletto Mengarelli in Bulchi. It was found intact burial pre-dated VI-V centuries BC.

Scientists suggest that the grave was buried a child. The burial itself is typical of the Etruscans. It was pretty deep. The remains were laid to rest in the sarcophagus, made of red volcanic tuff. The tombstone was carved from one solid block.

the Upper part is made in the form of a turtle shell. At the bottom there are indentations. They may have been used for lowering the sarcophagus into the tomb. By the way, the grave was reused in the Hellenistic period.

Over the children’s sarcophagus were found the remains of an adult. It is established that he was buried in the IV-II centuries BC. Inside a small sarcophagus was found a variety of ritual objects, mainly vessels, which is also typical for the culture of the Etruscans.

the Most valuable thing archaeologists called crafted amphora rare form. It is decorated with geometric motifs. The uniqueness it gives a kind of “shoulders” – they are made in the form of two miniature amphorae. There are two small amphorae stand on the “shoulders” of one big one. Until now, archaeologists had only one known artifact of similar shape. It is stored in the Louvre and by the way, was brought there also from Vulci.

it is Reported that in the tomb were found and other artifacts. Of particular interest to researchers caused a vessel for drinking “situation”, made of clay and completely covered with red paint. Other artifacts typical of Vulci this period, include such items as combs, figurines in ivory, bronze rings and chain.

as for the remains, then, apparently, the grave was buried the boy. This is indicated by a short spear was found next to him. The bones have been preserved in part. Perhaps the body was cremated. According to the head of the excavation Carlo kasi, it could be a young representative of the emerging Etruscan aristocracy in Vulci.