As if the world doesn’t have enough in the current coronaviruspandemi, so there are now reports of a new sygdomdsudbrud.

a new report warns the WHO now on an outbreak of the severe viral disease yellow fever in south Sudan, writes the Daily Nation.

the disease Is mild, you feel typically the fever, headache and nausea – is it serious, what happens is that damage to the liver, kidneys and heart, and the sick get jaundice.

In a report, informing the WHO that you know two cases of people infected in the region of Kajo-keji.

The south sudan region is at the border to Uganda, where one in the beginning of the year discovered an outbreak of just yellow fever.

There is a high risk that the virus spreads to a epedemi among the population in south Sudan, report of the WHO, because nearly no one in the country is immune to the disease.

Health authorities in south Sudan are now planning to initiate a vaccination campaign to get more people to be vaccinated against yellow fever.

Yellow fever usually occurs only in Africa and south America, and it is estimated that there are over 200,000 cases per year.