household dust largely consists of abrasion of fibers, but also from dead skin flakes and Parts of microorganisms, such as dust mites, which feed on the dust of organic particles. About six milligrams of dust form on a daily basis per square meter.

Especially for Allergy sufferers who react to the droppings of house dust mites, dust annoying: Symptoms such as runny nose and conjunctivitis occur, and in the case of long-term stress can lead to a chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Thorough vacuuming and Mopping is, therefore, especially for Allergy sufferers especially important. to keep

your home after a thorough cleaning, dust-free as possible to be able to help the following tips:

regular Airing

passes Through the opened Windows of fresh air in the apartment, while house dust is carried. It is also particles, such as Pollen, from the outside into the float, but usually less than it is Vice versa the case.

It depends on the location of the apartment, for how long and when to ventilate: On a busy street, Windows should be opened, for example, rather before or after the peak traffic periods. In particular, Ventilation with a short time passing through several open Windows or doors is effective to get rid of dust.

mopping floors

The best time to wiping wet floors, to get rid of dust thoroughly. In contrast to the Sucking as no particles and lint are whirled up, the distribution of over-the-air new. For carpets, the Wipe is not suitable, however, in this case, the vacuum cleaner is still the best to use.

What to consider when vacuum cleaner

Who sucks in General, rather than to wipe the floor, should pay attention to devices with an additional filter: you can prevent the smallest lint, during, or after the vacuum back into the air. Also important is to keep the suction opening of the device clean after each use. In particular, attachments with bristles for carpet to catch a lot of dirt from the ground, you should dispose of it after finishing the house work in the garbage.

substances to rid it of dust

With a lint-horses can be removed with fabric-covered Sofas and armchairs, and curtains, and clothing from dust. The adhesive surface picks up lint and tiny particles and ensures that there is less formation of dust in the rooms.

microfibre cloths

micro-fiber cloths work electro-static, so dust remains good to them. It is the same with technical devices, such as, for example, a television or stereo system. These have to be frequently dusted. When Cleaning sensitive surfaces, such as screens, you have to be careful with micro-fiber cloths, however, some may scratch the surfaces. There are even special wipes designed for the cleaning of screens.

feather duster

Behind cabinets or heaters, it comes with a cloth difficult, in such cases, a special duster that also have a electro-static and attract dust. Also, any spin will be weaving away like that. The less dust in the apartment, the better. By the smallest drafts of air, the particles spread out and form a so-called wool mice, so an accumulation of dust lint.

plants as dust scavengers

In contrast to the frequent assumption, that room plants produce dust, what you do in only a very small mass, to catch the flying dust particles and many kinds of also improve the air quality. Through the slightly damp surface of the leaves, the particles adhere well to the plants and do not get in our breathing air or on the ground. Therefore, you should dust off about once a week his plants carefully with a damp cloth.

a Systematic approach

For the elimination of house dust depends on the right sequence of the Wipe, and Clean: You should always start at the top and hard to reach Places, and from there work my way Down. To wipes last of all, or it sucks, then the floor, in order not to have double work. Finally, the dust swirls some fluff to wipe, which then fall slowly and the ground re-soil. With a systematic approach saves you time and effort.