Collector will be available informational materials about the prehistoric animals that lived on the territory of the country.

the British Royal mint has released the third and last coin in the 50 pence from the Dinosaur 50p. Collectible coins, made in the normal metal, in colour, in silver and gold, depicts dinosaurs found in the country in the 19th century.

the new coins depicts greaser (“forest lizard”), the remains of which were found in England in 1832.

Publication from The Royal Mint (@royalmintuk) 1 Jun 2020 1:09 PDT

Series of coins with dinosaurs was developed in conjunction with paleontologists at the natural history Museum and celebrates the contribution of Britain to the discovery of prehistoric animals. Earlier this year the British Royal mint has released coins with the image of the megalosaur and iguanodon, writes The Mirror.

Publish from The Westminster Collection (@westminstercollection) 16 Mar 2020 4:33 PDT

Publish from The Westminster Collection (@westminstercollection) 13 Feb 2020 2:56 PST

Interestingly, the series of collector coins with the ancient giants and also complemented by an interactive app. Coin holders by scanning a special code on the box will be able to access rare photos, videos and interesting documents about dinosauro, who lived in England.

Catherine Gura

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