South Korean archaeologists during the excavations in the funerary complex of Hannam-ton near the city of Gyeongju discovered a pair of gilt bronze shoes, presumably belonging to the period of existence of the powerful Kingdom of Silla.

On the opening, told the newspaper the Korea Herald. It was done by the specialists of the research Institute of cultural heritage of the Kingdom of Silla. This is a powerful state existed in the period from 57 BC to 935 ad.

Excavations were conducted in the province of North Gyeongsang province. Here is a large burial complex. Hundreds of tombs were discovered and numbered at the beginning of last century. Until now, archaeologists find valuable relics and objects.

That’s gold plated shoes was discovered in one of the two newly discovered tombs. These objects received the designation No. 120-1 and 120-2, as adjacent to tomb No. 120, was found in the last century in the period of Japanese rule.

the Age of unusual shoes, the archaeologists have dated by age tomb No. 120-2, in which they were found. Preliminary analysis showed that the relics were created in the late V – beginning of VI century of our era.

Such footwear in South Korea last found in 1977 in an ancient tomb in invan-don in the same city of Gyeongju. By the way, it was the capital of the Kingdom of Silla.

Researchers believe that the shoes did not wear in everyday life. They were made specially for a funeral ceremony. Their surface is dotted with T-shaped holes.

In tomb No. 120-2 has been found with other artifacts, for example, a rich saddle bronze ware and metal and pottery. Excavations are still at an early stage.

Local archaeologists say that the tomb No. 120 will be examined only after the completed analysis of the two adjoining tombs. By the way, it is the largest of them. This indicates that it may be buried a prominent dignitary of the Kingdom of Silla.