Buy it can anyone.

Village Sätra brunn, situated on the outskirts of Stockholm and is known for its healing spring for sale.

Publish from Marknadens Unika Bostadsobjekt (@bostadsbubbel) 6 APR 2020 4:23 PDT

Territory Sätra brunn is designed as a limited company, so purchase it can including foreigners. 24 hectares of the village (with houses, Church, hospital and Spa) and 34 hectares of undeveloped land can be purchased for 6.6 million euros.

Publish from Brunnsmuseet Sätra Brunn (@brunnsmuseet) 4 Jul 2019 at 7:40 am PDT

Village Sätra brunn appeared in 1700, when doctor Samuel Scragga found here a water source. He bought the land, built a well house around the hospital and the Church. In 1940-ies, the village was first purchased by the local Bishop, then Stockholm University, followed by a group of entrepreneurs, who in Sätra brunn a Spa resort.

Publish from Karsbotorpet (@karsbotorpet) 21 Saint 2019 11:25 PDT

Now again, the village changes its owner. By the way, she is among the seven seats with the purest spring water from Sweden, reports Businessinsider.

Catherine Gura

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